CHAPTER 16 (He's Understanding)

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I was looking at her with a blank expression.

"Stuti, I am really very sorry that you had to listen to Dadi's bullshit and also for being silent when all that happened. But, haven't we given this relationship a chance? I thought this was a new beginning between us, for us?, I was a little scared seeing her hesitant.

"I- but-,I mean yes we did agree but i didn't know that it will also include your Dadi behaviour with me. I thought even though we are together you will still side with her", her face is full of worry.

"No, she will not be there inbetween us anymore. You have equal rights in this house as Chitra's and Chinu's."

"No, i won't come. She will again insult me and I am not in the mood to listen to her. You go alone and tell everyone that i have a stomachache.", saying she layed back on the bed with her back facing me.

"Stuti, believe me when I say i won't let her badmouth you. Please.", she craned up her head to my direction, staring at me.



"Okay, move aside, I need to get ready or else Papa will shout at us.", pushing me softly she runs towards the bathroom, her act making me chuckle.

Shaking my head, I get up and pick up the clothes my wife has chosen for me.


Opening the door of the bathroom, I see my husband clipping his cufflinks. God!! Why do men look soo good while doing their cufflinks.

I was draped in a peach coloured chiffon saree with a sleeveless and backless blouse.

Prathamadithya stopped in middle and was staring at me. His eyes moving everywhere on me and finally stopped on my breasts.

I quickly keep my hands in front and look at him with squinting eyes. He coughed awkwardly, rubbing his nape.

"You look beautiful Stuti", he compliments which made me shy.

I control my blush and say,"Thank you so much", he walks to me and entwined our hands.

"Let's go", kissing the back of my hand, we start moving. I again try to control my blush which this time did not go unnoticed by him.

He smirked seeing my state, in return i hit his arm.

As we were about to reach the drawing hall, I try to seperate our hands which made him hold it even stronger.

"What happened?", he asks stopping.

"Your family. Leave my hand.", i shake our hands again in order to seperate them.

"Why? There's nothing wrong in that. I am holding my wife's hand not some random woman's", knowing he won't listen to me, I withdraw my hand from his hold and walk away.

"Stuti, wait", Prathamadithya shouted while i continued walking with a smile played on my lips.

"Stuti, bete you guys are late.", Papa questioned me and i didn't know what to answer.

"Papa, I have been telling Prathamadithya to hurry up but he was busy with his phone", not being able to think of anything I put the blame on my dear husband.

"What? When?", i hear my husband's voice. Turning back i glance at him, his face with a shocked expression.

"I knew this brat would be the one. Are you seeing him? He has forgotten the discipline we taught him.", Papa spoke looking at Ma to which she just rolled her eyes.

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