9 : panic attack

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— ✧ Minahil's pov :

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Minahil's pov :

I  C O U D N' T find any cab or taxi in this area so I head to the bus stop & caught a train & left for home. The time was not passing & my brain was thinking a lot many questions. "Will I get to know about arham?" My brain questioned . "I don't know if he is living or dead" my heart replied.

I sighed not thinking about anything & opened my phone. Zishan has messaged me saying that we need to hurry up Orelse the man will be gone from our hands & the lead to find the killer will be lost.

Anxiety rushing inside my body making me constantly tap my feet on the floor. Little sweat forming on the corner of my forehead. I'm being too impatient I need to calm myself down. I slowly started breathing & refreshing my thoughts by looking outside of the window.

I somehow managed to sit on the bus for 3 & half hours & the bus finally reached my stop. I quickly got down from the bus. I entered the house, yes I have the keys because i asked for spare keys to mother in law.

The only light which was on was of the living rooms lightening the whole mansion. I quickly ran upstairs inside our room. I changed into my black leather skirt, black crop top, leather jacket & long black boots.

I quickly called Zishan and told him to send me the location of the man's house & left the house in a hurry. I took a cab and told the driver the location. It was 25 mins away from the Hussain mansion not too far.

I told Zishan to leave for the mission as well & I guess he must be in the way by now. Time passed by and I was now at that area where the man lived. I called Zishan & heard phone ringing near a car. It's his car.

"Oh welcome back min-" I cut him off by saying "lets go". The man's house was vintage brownish coloured themed. We just put our legs inside to enter when we heard a loud scream coming from outside. We quickly turned backwards to where the scream came from. "HELP HELP HE-l" it was him, that man who knew all the info and all the things I want to know.

The man was getting kidnapped. In front of Minahil Ahmed. And I'm still standing here looking at the scene. I quickly ran towards the two mens hiding their faces wearing mask & covering the man's mouth. I was about to hold the collar of one of them when suddenly a van came & they quickly hopped inside taking the man with them.

I quickly grabbed my phone & noted the van's number plate for later. "DAMMIT WE LOST HIM" I yelled fisting my hands. "Maybe we can find something in the house" Zishan suggested.

"You're right" I nodded & we entered the house. The house was like a library. There were a lot of books in there & files. The living room was filled with shelves.

"check something there" I ordered Zishan pointing towards the shelves. He quickly nodded & started checking the files. I entered inside one of the room & opened the drawers to find something which can have any information. There were so many drawers & i keenly observed every one of them. I checked each and everyone of them, but didn't find anything.

I went towards the closest & then opened the locker & found a dairy inside it. "Zishan" I called out. "I found a diary here in the closet it must have the information. This house is not safe for now. The killers can be here again since they know we are here so let's get going."

"Yes minahil I found an envelope inside of a book in there and here are some pictures inside of it." Zishan informed.

I opened the envelope and saw the pictures of the bridge, it was 14 years old, the pictures. These were clicked on that day. I started looking at each one of them. My hands freezing. I wasn't able to breathe. All the scenes from 14 years back flashed in my brain.

My heart was racing too fast looking at the pictures. I couldn't catch a breath. My body shivering & sweating at the same time. A different kind of fear growing inside my body an overwhelming feeling all the flashbacks of the past started to enter my mind.

My body sweating I couldn't control myself anymore I wasn't able to breathe. My hands shaking. The envelope fell from my hands. Small tears forming my eyes. I lost my balance & that's when Zishan noticed what's happening to me.

"You're having a panic attack minahil" Zishan stated hurriedly worried. He took me near the couch and made me sit. "Minahil breathe, slowly slowly take deep breaths" Zishan said patting my head softly. He was like a brother figure to me.

"Calm down minahil" he said softly. "Think of something that makes you happy, think of something beautiful, think of something that will make you forget your worries" he suggested. "Close your eyes & think" "try to calm yourself down minahil" he said going somewhere.

I closed my eyes & recalled what he just said.
Think of something that makes me happy.
Think of something beautiful.
Think of something that makes me forget my worries.

I closed my eyes listening to what Zishan said & all I could see is him. "That dumbo, mr gym guy" . His face started flashing in my mind & all the moments i spent with him started roaming inside my head. The way he speaks silly things popped up in my head. The way he scrunches his nose & makes faces, all of it. And at that moment I knew, he really do makes me forget my worries. I literally forgot I was having a panic attack at that moment.

My heart beats goes from roller coaster racing to normal in just a few seconds & I was already calm by now & there was Zishan bringing a glass of water and handing it to me saying "are you okay?" His face worried.

I started chugging the glass of water in a go. And replied to him "I'm fine now, thank you". "Let's get going before any danger come across" i said to him & he nodded.

We left the man's house taking his dairy & the envelope & we're heading towards Zishan's car. When we saw one more car just beside his.

The door opened revealing a guy in grey T-shirt & shorts. I looked at who it is only to get choked on air. My eyes widened & my jaw dropped. I stood there frozen seeing certain someone in front of me standing with his arms crossed around his chest.

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