7 : weird choices

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— ✧ Arsalaan's pov :

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Arsalaan's pov :

"E V E R Y O N E hurry up the bus is leaving" some elderly women from in the house informed.
We were all now going to a family picnic probably for 2 days in a resort.

This was because we've planned to go somewhere as soon as amna's marriage so this is the second day & everyone's ready & we will be leaving by now.

Everyone took their bags and rushed outside of the house to where the bus was standing. We all were probably 15+ people so we had to book a bus rather than going in the car.

I just realised she wasn't here yet. "Is everyone ready?" My mom asked. "No wait minahil isn't here" I informed & quickly rushed upstairs to our room.

The room was locked from the outside. No I didn't lock it. I opened the door & entered only to see her sitting on the couch with crossed legs using her phone. "Minahil why weren't you- "shut up dumbo you've locked the door while I was inside and it's been 15 mins I'm trying to call you" she yelled frustrated.

My phone was inside my pocket i quickly grabbed it & looked at the 11 missed calls from her. My eyes widened & I gulped. "Well let's go now" she said while she saw me standing idol.

She grabbed her sling bag & we rushed downstairs & to the bus. We entered the bus where everyone were waiting for us. Minahil sat near one of my cousin sister.

I went near them & gestured my cousin to change her seat. She giggled getting up from the seat & I sat near minahil. I looked at her only to be glared by her.

The resort was 3 and half hour afar so I took my phone & played some songs plugging earphones. I asked minahil if she wanted one & she refused but I forcefully plugged it inside her ear making her roll her eyes at me.

"These songs are boring play something else" she huffed. "What's wrong with these aren't you a swiftie?" I asked. "What's that?" She replied frowning. "Well haven't you heard style,wildest dreams, love story, blank space & all by Taylor swift ?" I asked. "No I don't listen to Kpop" she replied boringly. My eyes widened my eyes were about to pop up falling on the ground. She called it Kpop? What world does she lives in. "That's not Kpop" I debated. " well Whatever it is" she replied looking outside the window for the view. Unbelievable.

Slowly the time passed & we reached our destination the resort. Everyone started taking out their bags & stuffs. I quickly got down grabbing mine & minahil's bag.

We entered the resort & it was luxurious, best for vacations there were a lot of facilities and services which includes spa, pool, restaurant & sports activities as well. It had beautiful blueish green themed vibe & a lot of trees as well.

I chose a room for minahil & myself. The room was elegant brown themed and had vintage glass & aesthetic beige brown furnitures.

As we were here for 2 days we got some luggage like 2 bags one of each. I put the bags aside and she entered. She was in her casual fit a normal yellow dress with slight embroidery in the ends & wearing a white hat with yellow & pink flowers on it.

"I'll go check downstairs till then you can use the restroom" I informed heading downstairs. Everyone here were choosing their rooms some were keeping their stuffs inside & kids were running,playing here and there.

"About dinner, there's a restaurant here you all can go there & have it" some elderly women informed.

After talking to my mom & helping her keep her stuffs properly I went to where our room was. I knocked the door & entered the room.

My jaw dropped when I saw minahil was standing in front of the mirror applying some moisturiser on her arms still on her bath robe.
She saw me from the mirror & quickly turned towards me I snapped my head looking everywhere but her.

"Do you need anything?" She asked frowning at me. I was perplexed when she acted so normally while standing in a bath robe in front of me. "Uh umm nothing" I replied roaming my eyes in the whole room but not looking at her. she nodded resuming what she was doing.

I all of the sudden choked on air coughing. "What's wrong?" She quickly grabbed the glass of water from the side table and gave it to me.

She was a little closer this time. Her long wet hairs covering all her neck. Some strands sticking to her face & water dripping from them. Her tanned skin glowing & her cherry plum lips reminding me of the kiss.

My heart was beating too fast like always whenever she's near. her rosy scent was already surrounded in the whole room which gives another kind of relaxation & peace.

I forgot when I was staring at her. "stop behaving like a pervert" she snapped her fingers on air. I came back to senses clearing my throat. "I ain't a pervert, how dare you call me that" i squinted my eyes at her.

"Anyways what are we eating for dinner? I don't feel like going somewhere I'm tired" she said & I related to her. "Let's order something, what do you say?" "Hmm" she replied.

"What do you want?" I asked her taking out my phone. "I'll have spaghetti with meat balls" she replied I nodded & placed our order. "& what about ice cream? What flavour do you like" I inquired. "Mint chocolate" she replied.

"Eww who eats mint choco it's so weird" I said making faces. "It's not weird" she replied glaring at me. "It's unbearable like how can a flavour like that exist?" I said making her angry. " how can someone eat a flavour like that" I said again annoying her.

Oh I love that annoyed look on her face.

"Look who is saying, the one who eats Paneer pizza" she replied back. "What's wrong with it?" I asked huffing. "Paneer on pizza? no pls that's worse " she replied smirkingly.

"Well that's mean" I said rolling my eyes at her. "That's called the taste of your own medicine" she said Shrugging her shoulder. "Well let me order, stop annoying me" I said annoyed when she mocked me. "The most annoying person himself says that to me." She said grabbing her pajamas and heading towards the washroom.

She came from the washroom in her silk lavender coloured pajamas revealing her thighs. She wrapped a soft white coloured scarf around her neck. I wonder why she always be wearing a scarf.

As soon as she was out I entered and took a shower & changed in my sweat pants & plain white t-shirt. I came out wiping my hair when my phone buzzed & the food was delivered. I headed downstairs to see no one we're there everyone were out for dinner and it's just me & her in here.

Everyone went to the restaurant just inside the resort. I took the parcel & headed upstairs where we our chosen room was. She was laying on her side of the bed & scrolling through her phone. I coughed grabbing her attention.

"The food is here" i informed. I placed the food on the table & called out for her. We sat in the velvety couch & I gave her the spaghetti along with her ice cream.

I ordered Paneer pizza and a cappuccino ice cream for myself. "Look I knew you would order the paneer pizza" she said gobbling her food. "Who told you that" I asked raising an eyebrow. " amna once told me how much you eat the paneer pizza every time at home" she replied chuckling.

She looks adorable. I admired her because I couldn't stop she was admirable. As we were eating the ice cream. I asked her if we can go to the balcony. I slid open the glass door & entered the balcony it was 10 at night neither too early nor too late. But it was dark and everything were shining because of the lights.

My eyes were glistening with the shine of the lights I looked into her eyes only to see her looking at the beautiful view from here. She looks somewhat different even if this is how she is always with me. I have a feeling that says she was never like this before the way her face lights up when she smile. The way she is ready to pick a fight with me.

Being with her & observing things makes me feel like this is not the actual person that she is. I feel like she is hiding a lot of things. A lot of things.

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