Coffee date

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Allistair had been looking forward to his date with Shylie all week. Ever since they exchanged texts after that fateful encounter at the café, he had been counting down the days until they would finally meet up. They had planned to go to a charming coffee shop downtown, a place known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious pastries and a place they casually hang out. But as the day approached, the weather reports began to take a turn for the worse.

On the morning of their date, Allistair woke up to the sound of howling winds and rain pelting against his bedroom window. He checked his phone, his heart sinking as he read the latest weather update: A severe storm was moving in, bringing with it high winds, heavy rain, and potential flooding. He stared at the screen, the excitement he had felt turning into disappointment.

As the day went on, the storm only grew worse. Trees bent under the force of the wind, and streets began to flood. Allistair's phone buzzed, and he saw a message from Shylie:

"I don't think we'll be able to make it today. The storm is really bad, and it's not safe to go out. I'm so sorry."

He sighed, understanding completely but still feeling a pang of frustration. He quickly typed back:

"Yeah, I saw the weather reports. It's really bad out there. Safety first. Maybe we can reschedule for next weekend?"

Within moments, her reply came:

"Definitely! Let's stay safe today and plan for next weekend. Looking forward to it!"

Allistair put his phone down and glanced out the window. The sky was a dark, churning mass of clouds, the rain relentlessly pours outside. He felt a mix of disappointment and relief - disappointed that he wouldn't see Sophie today, but relieved that they both agreed to reschedule.

To pass the time, he decided to make the best of a stormy day indoors. He brewed a fresh pot of coffee and settled into his favorite chair by the window with clean sheets of paper. The sound of the rain against the glass became a soothing backdrop as he lost himself in the poem he's writing.

As the hours ticked by, Allistair's thoughts kept drifting back to Shylie. He wondered how she was spending her day, imagining her curled up with a book or maybe working on one of her art projects. The thought brought a smile to his face.

Later that evening, as the storm continued to rage outside, Allistair received another message from Shylie:

"Hey, I hope you're staying dry and safe! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. Can't wait for next weekend!"

He smiled, her message warming him more than the hot coffee in his mug. He replied:

"Same here, Shylie. Staying safe and dry, just like you advised. Can't wait to see you next weekend!"

The storm outside might have canceled their plans, but it couldn't dampen the excitement and anticipation they both felt for their rescheduled date. Jack knew that when the weather cleared and they finally met, it would be worth the wait. Until then, he was content knowing they were both safe and looking forward to the day they could finally be together.

Allistair was starting to feel cursed. Ever since he and Shylie had first connected at the café and planned their initial date, it seemed like the universe was conspiring against them. That first date, thwarted by the raging storm, was only the beginning.

The following weekend, the weather had cleared, and Allistair felt a renewed sense of hope. They had rescheduled for Saturday afternoon, planning to meet at the coffee shop downtown. But just as he was about to leave, his phone buzzed with a message from Shylie:

"Hey, I'm really sorry, but my cousin came down with the flu, and I need to stay home to help out. Can we reschedule again?"

Disappointment welled up inside him, but he quickly texted back:

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