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Charles' POV

It's the middle of the summer. The break from the racing is finally here. This year I planned a trip to Marrakesh with Pierre and Arthur. Our girlfriends are also coming, so we'll have fun.

Today before I go for my morning run the letter from Monaco University came. Clara still doesn't know and I'm going to surprise her tonight.

When she understands that she is accepted to go to the university she will be so happy. And this means that she is going to live in Monaco with me and we don't need to go every week to Portugal or Monaco.

From the market, I bought her a bouquet, sweets, and a little teddy bear with her name on it.

Happily, at the moment, she is at her yoga practice and I can pack part of her clothes and her things because our flight is late that night. Probably she is going to be tired and I want to help her.

Meanwhile, I find in her wardrobe one old brown letter. The handwriting looks like is written a lot a lot of years ago.

«Olá Benedita,

Já faz 1 ano desde que sua irmã faleceu. Espero que você esteja se mantendo forte e não desista como ela fez em seu último dia de filmagem. A doença a silenciou e a tirou de nós. A empresa de cinema transferiu o dinheiro dela, que ela receberá após a final do filme. Desejo que você tenha uma ótima gravidez e mal posso esperar para conhecer minha neta. Seu pai me disse que você quer chamá-la de Lara. Admiro sua decisão de nomeá-la com o mesmo nome de como eu nomeei minha falecida filha. As férias estão chegando em breve e eu voltarei ao Porto para conhecer toda a família. Eu te amo tanto.

Muito amor,

The letter is in Portugal so I translated it.

«Hello Benedita,

It's been 1 year since your sister passed away. I hope you are staying strong and don't give up like she did on her last shooting day. Disease silenced her and took her away from us. The movie company transferred her money which she will get after the final movie. I wish you to have a great pregnancy and I can't wait to meet my granddaughter. Your dad tells me that you want to name her Lara. I admire your decision to name her with the same name as I named my passed-away daughter. The holidays are coming soon and I'll go back to Porto to meet the whole family. I love you so much.

A lot of love,

Clara told me that her grandmother's name is Benedita and she is named after her sister who sadly is not around us anymore. But I didn't know that she was an actress.

This explains a lot why she wants to continue this career, but I still don't understand some of the things and start to look for another letter.

I try my best to find another letter but I hear someone coming into the house.

Fast as possible I hide everything and go to the living room.

«Hey my love, you come home early» I say nervous, and kiss Clara

«Yes. I finish practice earlier and come here to have a shower and go to a supermarket and buy some food» she kissed me back and put her bag on the table

«Before this, I have a surprise. Close your eyes» I go to get the bouquet, put the letter, sweets, and fly tickets on it, and stand in front of her

«Surprise» I say and see how she removes her hands from her eyes

«Hang on. What is this here» she gets the letter from the university and the tickets

«Is this a letter from the university and these flight tickets?» She looks excited at me and a huge smile appears on her face

«Sit down and open it» I get her hand and we go to the couch

«I'm ACCEPT. My dreams are coming true» she started to jump and hug me

«Yes and this night we are going to Marrakesh. Together with your sister and best friend» I hug her back and kiss her forehead

-fifth chapter of «More than fan» and last chapter for this year posted on my birthday
-do you want to have a special chapter that explains Clara's family history and Charles finds new letters
-I'm sorry if are having trouble with Portuguese, just I was using Google Translate
-do you want chapters from Marrakesh and what they are doing there
-thanks for reading💕

More than fan| Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now