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Clara's POV

A huge part of the race weekend is gone. Today is the race and Charles will end the season in 2nd place at the standing. I'm so proud of him and the good races he does this year.

We still have not continued our conversation from Thursday. probably when the race ends, I'll talk with him.

I arrive at the paddock and Carlos comes with me to get coffee for the staff and us obviously, because the coffee maker is broken and for repair. Everyone is nervous and angry without coffee.

Since we go back to them, I see that Charles is already here. I got closer to him.

«Can we talk in private?» I ask and look lonely at his eyes

«Sure, what happened?» He gets my hand and we go to his personal driver's room

«I just can't stop thinking about what happened on Thursday and what you want to tell me» I sit on the couch and get my phone from my pocket

«Can we talk about this after race? I don't want to talk about this right now» Charles sat next to me and hugged me

Minutes later we left the room because it was time for the race to start.

In the last few laps, Max attacks Charles and goes in front of him.

«My head is hurting,» Charles said on the radio

«Are you okay» I go and put one of the headphones on

«Yes. I'm better now.» He answers and continues to driver

In the last lap, Charles beat Max. HE WINS. HE WINS! The garage is in the sky from the clamor. Everyone is shouting and being happy for Charles.

I left the garage and saw how Charles stopped the car and got out of there.

«Good job» I say and hug him tight

«Thank you so much, Clar. Thanks for everything. Mostly the all support» he removed his helmet and looked deep into my eyes

The same moment I feel his hands around my waist. He gets closer and stare at each other.

Suddenly I feel how his lips are smashing into mine.

Está acontecendo de novo? |Is it happening again|

Estou sonhando? |Am I dreaming|

«No questions. Wait for an award ceremony to end. I will explain everything to you» Charles whispered to me in all this clamor and went to the cool room.

During the ceremony, he can't stop staring at me and smiling.

Meanwhile, Monica comes and gets my hand

«Charles driver room. Now» she shouted and we started to run to the paddock

Around the paddock are so many paparazzi who are going after us. The kiss probably is all over the media and his fans are talking about this. How he can kiss his fan in front of everyone a few weeks after his breakup with Charlotte?

«Come here» Carlos appears from somewhere and we go to the garage the staff enter

The room was on the second floor and I ran as fast as possible to hide there I felt so embarrassed about what happened. I like it, but now maybe everyone is talking about this shit.

Minutes later, while I cry Charles comes.

«Let me explain everything. Charlotte is having a new boyfriend and I'm so much jealous. He is like my copy or even my brother. This is why I kiss you. I need to do it. Not only for this and for this I want to make you happy. Who doesn't want to kiss me? Also, you remind me a lot of her. Style, manners, looking. Everything. So I am offering something. I want to make her jealous. From Monica, I understand that you want to be an actress and you are going to study for this. Do you want to be my fake girlfriend? This will give up your rating so much and every one of the movie companies will want to take you as an actress. I'm going to pay you for this if you want. Just accept it» Charles sits on the couch
And start to play with my hair

«Doing it. But we are going to have rules about this» I go and sit next to him on the floor and look at him

«I'm listening» he looked interested at me and smile

«Rule number one: Don't kiss me in front of everyone often
Second: Be gentlemanly and act nice
Third: Don't ruin our friendship with sexual or other things
Fourth: Never track my location or act like my parent
Fifth: Acting as good as possible to be in love with me, so everyone can believe it»

«Hang on. You are in love with me or you are going to act too» Charles laughs

«Yes. Let me continue
Sixth: Remember this the relationship is not real»

«What if I fall in love with you and want this to be real, not fake» he asks and looks at me

«It will be perfect
Seventh: Be careful what you do
Eight: You can add rules whenever you want
Ninth: We continue the rules whenever we are in a relationship»

«Enough for these stupid rules. I understand. Just stop» he laughed and removed his race suit

-ninth chapter of «More than fan»
-what do you think about their acceptance of fake dating for no reasons
-Does Charles has a crush on Clara
-do you like the chapter
-thanks for reading

More than fan| Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now