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Sexual warning &
Alcohol warning‼️⚠️


Charles's POV

The boring day is almost over. For the night we are going out and having fun in one of the closest nightclubs.

Arthur and the others are also coming with us. It will be a fun night.

Toward the start, the barman gave us one shot for each and they were gone for seconds. Then the second one comes. The same thing happened with them.

«One more?» The barman asks and looks playfully at Clara

What is he thinking about? Who was he to look like that to my girlfriend?

Clara understands that I'm getting jealous and gets my hand

«Hey, hey. Come down» she says and gets another shot

«Men, give us 3 small vodkas and 3 cocktails» Pierre says and looks at us with Arthur

«Let's be big and cocktails to be Mojito for the girl with a white dress (Leticia). Pink gin spritz for the girl with Arthur. And SEX ON THE BEACH for the girl you wink at» I say with a proud voice and put my hand around Clara's waist

The alcohol came to our table and our best night officially started.

«Let's dance» Clara gets my hand and we go to the dance floor

She looks so dirty at me and we go to the middle of the dance floor. The full crowd goes away and watches what we do.

Slowly she puts her hands on my body and her touches make me moan. Meanwhile, I get her waist in my hands and her booty starts to move around my cock.

I never thought that she could be that much dirtier. Probably today is the night.

She starts to do it fast and suddenly she slows down.

I want to trick her and slowly my fingers get closer to her private area. I feel how wet are her panties.

«Charles. Not here» she whispers to me

«Let's go to the hotel then?» I ask her playfully and put a small part of her hair behind her right

We go back to others and continue to drink.

«Arthur, can you bring us one taxi to the hotel?» I whisper to him and carefully point with my head to Clara

«I understand, player» he laughs quietly and gets his phone

A few minutes later I get Clara's hand and we get out of the club.

«Where are we going?» she asked confused while we ran upstairs

«To have fun» My lips get closer to her neck and make one smooch

We get to the taxi and she starts to unbutton my shirt's buttons.

«Sit down and be good baby girl» I get her waist and put her to sit on me

«Okay, Daddy» she starts to move in my lap

«Clar» a moan goes from my mouth

«We are here. Let's go» she gets my hand and we get out of the car

Fast as possible we got to our room and locked it.

Clara looks at me excitedly and I feel her warm lips touch my cheek. A little red mark appears on my face and I continue smashing my lips at hers.

We go to bed and slowly we start to underdress each other's.

She sucked in her breath, holding it as I kiss her inner thighs, spreading her legs further apart with a firm grip in the meantime. A moan goes from her mouth and smiles shyly.

«Don't be shy» I continue kissing her legs further apart

I let out a low moan against her core when she tugged on my messy hair and my tongue delved deeper between her folds, savoring her taste.

«Are you ready?» I look at her warm

«Sure just be careful» she looks at me with a little smile

One of my hands lifted from her thighs and she squirmed on the bed when I wetted my fingers before pushing them past her down entrance.

Her fingers curled into the material of the duvet beneath her, her knuckles turning white from how hard she was grasping onto it.

A small whimper escaped her mouth when I pushed them gently into her.

At the same time, I looked at her and saw the pleasure became overwhelming and her eyelids fluttered when her orgasm was building up quickly.

Then I remove my fingers and make sure that she is okay.

«Ready to try the biggest one?» I joke and see her eyes shining

«Yes. Be careful»

The length of my erection was perfect to let the head of my cock brush against the most delicious spots in her body and her vision blurred slightly every time my thrusts were angled up against her pussy.

She moved her hands to my back, feeling the muscles working underneath my skin

Later I feel that I'm going to end soon and we need to stop our copulation.

«My love, we need to stop» I say nervously and look at her

«But...Oh, okay» she says with the lower voice

-seventh chapter of «More than fan»
-I don't like to write sexual chapters but still, I like this one
-the chapter's name is my favorite thing and the cocktail
-what do you think about the chapter
-thanks for reading💛

More than fan| Charles Leclerc Where stories live. Discover now