*Some days have passed After all the Ruckes with the Exe Demon's and Cape just decided to take a Stroll around Emerald Village at night*
*The Stars were shining down on the Village, as was the Moon, the Lights of the Streets were also Shining bright this evening*
Cape: *takes a huge breath in as he wanders around* - what a Beautiful Night, nothing could ruin this now - *he stretches his arms in the air* - I think a dash around the area is in order now - *with a motion his shoes lit on fire and he glides of, passing by some Villagers who wave passed him*
*He dashes past The beach which was Near the Village and heads back to his birth place, Chemical Plant, he dashes along the Pipes and jumps from Pipe to pipe to have a bit of Parcoure in, as he just passes by the lab from which still comes smoke form the Chemicals; he notices something weird, He notices a Black Smoke Cloud directly before the Entrance of the Lab, as Cape gets slowly Closer, he can hear small whispers from the cloud, which he can hardly understand*
???: *suddenly speaks in a clear voice* Sneaking up, do we?
Cape: *his fur brizzles up a bit* What the!?
*after a short moment, the cloud has disappeared*
Cape: *looks all over the place* Hey! What the Heck!?
???: *whispers* Am I too fast for you?
Cape: *he hears the Voice whispering in his ear from behind him, he doesnt even dare to move* - I didnt even...feel it move - *with his soulability he stops time and jumps away from the cloud and looks directly at it; he only can see a pair of eyes, looking at him*
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