V. Someone

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Are you kidding me?

I see Niki on the floor, completely wasted. I try to look for Heeseung since he's the one who's driving the car, but I can't find him anywhere.

"Can you help me take him upstairs, there's no way I am taking him home all by myself" I ask the girl as I start dragging Niki upstairs. The girl starts to help, but Jay comes to help me and excuses the girl saying he will help me. Now that's a gentleman. Unlike someone. 

We come up the stairs and I get confused with all the doors.

"We can put him in the room to the left, it's the guest room" Jay shouted. I feel like music is getting louder every second. In other circumstances I would be on the dance floor, but it just doesn't feel the same as it did in my last town. Perhaps it's the time when I start fresh? 

As we finish putting barely conscious Niki on the bed, we suddenly hear screams coming from downstairs. Me and Jay look at each other.

"Stay here" Jay says, as he leaves the room.  I sit on the edge of the bed and look at Niki. 

What am I gonna do with him?  Should  I just  leave him here?  My thoughts run through my mind as if someone's coming to kill us. 

All lights suddenly turn off. 

What the fuck?  

I go to check the switch and it doesn't turn on. The only light is my phone and it has only few percent left. I listen to all the sounds coming from downstairs, but I hear none. I run to the bed to try and wake Niki, but that idiot is out cold. Perfect. Oh come on, I don't want to be on a newspaper as a girl who got murdered while her best friend was peacefully sleeping in the same room.

Someone starts scraping on the door of the room I'm in and I try to hide, behind some wardrobe, but it's barely doing any work. I look at the door seeing someone's shadow, barely holding up emotionally and not breaking down. 

Please don't go in. Please. 

The scraping stops and the lights turn on. I open my watery eyes and look around, everything is the same as it was before, except me. Jay barges in the room and looks around worriedly before he sees me. 

"Thank god, you're okay, if I would've known the lights would turn off-" Jay starts confessing, but I cut him off.

"Th-the door" 

"What's wrong" Jay confusedly looks at me.

"Look" I exclaim to Jay, while pointing towards the door. 

On door there's one word written with a bloody knife. Hanna. 

"Oh shit" 


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