II. Morning

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Morning alarm rings making me groan. 

Great. First day. 

I woke up thinking that everything's going great since I didn't sleep through my alarm. 

Right. About that..

I have 5 missed phone calls from 20+ messages from Niki. You know why? I didn't change my time 1 hour back and first class is starting not in one hour, but right fricking now..

I run through my morning routine in less than 10 minutes and beg my dad to drive me to school instead of going with a bus, since there's no way I would make into 1st class with it. 

Great start of getting on teacher's good side Hanna. I slap myself mentally.

I jump out of the car and thank my dad before sprinting towards the school's door. This school is everything I didn't expect. From the big windows to covered with vines granite walls. I make my way through the empty corridor before a teacher stops asking me all kinds of questions, even worse that I have no idea what to say since my first day. The worst that could happen she would make me leave the damn school. Perhaps it could be fun? 

Oh help me, now that I think about it, my parents would kill me.  

"Do you even know what kind of rules we have here miss?" The teacher starts scolding me

"Uhh-" I stay silent before I say something insulting that could actually throw me out of the school.

"Who did even accept this kind of girl-" The teacher starts, but the principal approaches us.

"What is happening here? And why are you late miss?" The principal questions me directly. 

"I'm so sorry it's my first day" I say, trying to sound as much with remorse as I can, hoping it would work, because what do I have to lose? 

"Well I will let it slide, because it's your first day, but remember you will be on my watch now, so you better act only good, because we don't let just anyone in this school" The principal lectures and lets me go. 

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