17. Darkened

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Sepher and the king help me up, my eyes looking at the floor. There must be another way. He cannot die at my hand. Please, my dear angels, let there be another way.

"Are you alright?"

My eyes divert to Sepher, meeting his brown eyes, and his flawless glowing skin. As one loc of hair falls out of place yet fits so faultlessly. Why would the angels want such a beautiful soul to perish? My eyes encounter the arrow, on the floor, as the weapon glides before me. But even with the weapon so close, and him so vulnerable, I couldn't bring myself to harm him.

"Darling, everything will be okay.", the king says, in a breathless tone, or perhaps my ears heard him as a shadow, as my eyes were solely fixed on Sepher, as he presented me with a nervous smile. "Fulfill your mission or you die."

• Sepher

Shira was suppressing something. I wanted to know her secret. I wanted to know, how she persuaded the king, who was so set on the crown dying with him, to wed her. How was it possible that every man who trekked past her, was a man on their knees, begging for her to choose them? Including me, she's my king's queen, but I can't help myself from believing she'll be mine. I'd fight for her, kill for her. I would be better than the king, I'd be the one, my queen. I'm not merely a man on his knees for her. I'd destroy the world, just for us to be together. I'm the man who would lay the world and Evermore to its feet, just for you.

• Shira

My body spreads on the mattress. "I'm fine."

"Rest.", the king articulates to me. "I'll have the maids fetch a cloth.", the king says and exits the room. There's no need for that, the sheet drops from my now-healed leg. My eyes angle towards the window to find, the angels observing. They fly through the window and lie next to me. "Sepher's still alive... Do we have a problem?"

These knife-eared angels can never mind their business. I can't exactly tell them, I care for him.

"My sights still haven't placed him, yet."

Lie. Please, please don't notice. My eyes watched as the angels turned to each other, their whispers were loud, but my ears couldn't understand a word they were saying.

"You're lying."

Before my expression can plead my case, the angels bear their right hands up, and my heart is drawn from my chest.



Their eyes shift to my blackened heart, and mine rest on my body becoming cold. Tears plunge from my eyes but are instantly drawn back when they speak. Why are they taunting me? Just rip it out! "If you don't fulfill your mission, we'll take your gift[powers]. This is protecting your heart, and once the gift is gone, you'll die."

The knife-eared angels, smile at me, tauntly, causing my blood to boil. How dare they? Slaying me, all because I didn't do what they requested. That's not very kind of them. Plus I don't respond well to threats. An angel blade appears in my hands, and my mouth voices, " Hands vermillion. Start of five. Bright cotillion, ravens dive. Nightshade's promise, spirits strive to the living, and let the angels burn alive. "

An angel blade slices through their necks, as they sink to the floor, into dust. A nuanced smirk falls on my lips.

"They're a gift. It can't be taken away."

"Shira. No!", a voice appears in my head.

"I have every magic. I have possession."

• Later

What happened?

To Be Continued...

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