3. Encouragement and Cookies

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February 2017

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February 2017

On Monday evening, she was surprised because their Batch Manager told them exercise would finish early the next day.

Everyone asked, "Why? What's happening?"

"A group of sunbaenimdeul will visit on Wednesday evening. You need to prepare snacks for them. It can be cookies, pudding or cake. Make sure you bring something homemade, because those sunbaenimdeul are very busy, but they'll free an hour to motivate you Girls."

"Who do you think will come here?" she asked.

"Maybe Red Velvet sunbaenimdeul? They were the latest female girlband that debuted. Shouldn't it be them?" Jimin replied.

"That makes sense."

"Wait, what if it's SNSD? What if it's Taeyeon sunbaenim?"

Min Jeong froze for a second, before she clapped a hand on her mouth to not scream.

"Let's make cookies. I'm good at it," she assured.

"Let's do our best! Wait. What if she likes our cookies and we could take a selfie with her?"

Min Jeong really screamed then. She couldn't hold it in anymore. Just imagining it made her happy.


"The company asked us to meet some female trainees this Wednesday evening," Mark told him once he left his room to grab a meal.

"What for?"

"Give them encouragement, you know, like how the sunbaenimdeul used to visit us during practice."

"Oh. What time on Wednesday?"

"7 PM. Gonna be for around an hour."

His face fell.

"Wait. It's your schedule to have dinner with your parents, right?

"Yeah. You think they'll let me go afterwards?"

It was a week after his birthday. He could only see his parents once every three months. It's a big deal. He missed them.

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