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The first step takes flight, Taking off into the air As each foot picks up pace, Soon shooting into the Atmosphere for take-off.

Like a bird flying with the wind, Its wings extended in entirety, Drifting with each draft, The wind blows in the face, The heartbeat accelerates faster, Legs pick up for altitude, And like a bullet shot from a gun, Projects into Earth's uncharted oblivion.

A small girl with blond hair ran through the halls, her heart pounding in her chest as loud footsteps echoed the hall. Tears ran down the girls eyes as opened the door and shut it behind her.

"No!"  The girl cried as she heard bangs on the door. "Laurel come out." A voice spoke making the girl let out another cry.

"No! No! No!" Laurel screamed trying her hardest to keep the door close, but to be fair whats ten year old to a grown man,

The blond girl hurried and grabbed a chair and put it under the knob no longer allowing the man to open to the door.

Laurel cried as she placed a hand over her bleeding stomach. "Stop it!" Laurel begged as he continued to bang on the door

"Laurel!" The yellow bunny screamed, "open the god damn door!" Laurel put a hand over her mouth to drown out the sob.

The ten year old's eyes went to the cameras. Her eyes went wide when she noticed that the yellow bunny was no longer outside the door,

Laurel let out a sigh a relief before her eyes went to the camera that showed the outside of Freddy's pizzeria.

The girl grabbed a hammer and ran out of the room.

Running, everybody in the world runs from something, whether they are running from class, running from home, or even running forming yourself.

And at this moment Laurel Landon was running for her life. Laurel ran into the main area of the pizzeria.

Laurel hit behind a table and gripped the handle of the hammer when she heard the loud footsteps.

Laurel gasped when she saw a young girl with high pigtails dead on the floor, her mouth was open and next to her laid a dog that was also dead.

As you get older in life the bits of your childhood start to chip away, it's slow things at first, little things.

Like when you realise that you are too big
to be carried into bed when you fall asleep on the sofa. Then it starts getting quicker and quicker parts of your childhood start to die.

It crumbles away from underneath you
Now you search for hours through deep voids grasping on to any sign of comfort the innocence you long for The layers of shelter are stripped back Until you are completely vulnerable Yearning to crawl back into the arms of the people that were once there.

Laurel leaned her head on wall seeing the blood that covered the pizzeria. "Laurel." A disoriented voice called out.

Everyone is born with the two innate fears.

Falling and loud sounds. The rest are learned. Our surroundings – parents, siblings, friends, TV – teach us at a young age to be scared of things, like the dark or monsters.

Most children are taught to be afraid of the dark. For it posseses darkness and fear. No positivness is sorted there it's power black.

Laurel gripped the hammer tightly before she took a breath. The girl pushed herself off of the wall as she began running.

Laurel yelled feeling a tug on her head as her body fell to the ground. "No! No!" Laurel screamed staring at the yellow bunny and he climbed on top of her.

Nothings New : Mike SchmitWhere stories live. Discover now