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one step forward
two steps back

never getting anywhere a constant vortex
you can't win no one can some try all fail
you can expend all your energy in an effort to break it waste every dropp of sweat and blood work until you have no muscles left you still won't win

that's how they set it up they don't want you to win and who exactly who are they?
the mysterious people who run out lives
they will remain a mystery to everyone,

Five kids sat in a circle looking up at a woman who wore a white dress and a red coat.

"This was the best I could do." The woman whispered placing a pizza on the floor. "Thank you Laurie." Susie grinned grabbing the pizza.

"No new security guard yet?" Laurel asked sitting down next to Cassidy. "No not yet, it's only been a week tho." Gabriel shrugged taking a bite of the pizza.

Laurel looked at all the children before her eyes went to Cassidy, "what is it?" Laurel questioned tilting her head.

Susie only closed her mouth and pretended to zip her lips shut. "Cassidy." Laurel warned before her face fell realizing why the kids were being so weird. "You went to see her."

"I'm sorry." Michaela frowned looking at Laurel a sad look on his face. Laurel only sighed before a small smile appeared on her face. "Just tell me when you go see her."

"She misses you." Fritz spoke making Laurel tilt her head slightly confused. "She wants to see you again." Gabriela added

"I can't leave." Laurel reminded a serious look on her face. "We all know you find loopholes." Susie giggled making Laurel smile softly.

"How about this I'll go see her if you all stay here." Laurel suggested earning a playful eye roll from Cassidy.

All the kids got quiet as if they were thinking out it. The five kids looked at each other before they all nodded in unison. "Deal." The five said in unison.

"All right." Laurel smiled before they heard the sound of the door. Laurel's smile fell as she turned to the kids. "Back to your places. Now!" Laurel demanded turning to the door.

When she looked back all of the children were gone including the pizza boxes. The woman let out a shaky breath as she walked through the door and into the main area.

Laurel's eyes followed of woman who had walked in, Laurel narrowed her eyes at the woman.

Ten year old Laurel Landon stood in front of the animatronics watching them in awe.

"They're so cool right?" A girl smiked nervously, Laurel turned to look at the girl she was a few inches taller than her. "Yeah it's awesome." Laurel agreed, "I'm Laurel."

"Vanessa." The girl introduced "Hey I have a few more tokens do you wanna play some games with me."

"Uh. Sure." Laurel said looking back at her parents who were clearly arguing, "let's go." Laurel smiled walking forward not noticing the yellow bunny who had been staring at her ever since she walked in.

Laurel narrowed her eyes at the woman before Laurel turned to the animatronics that stood still in their places.

The woman stared at Vanessa as she walked around the pizzeria. Laurel titled her head as her ears began ringing.

Vanessa gasped as her nose began to bleed. "Laurel." Vanessa called out wiping the blood from her nose.

Laurel walked out of the shadows and stared at Vanessa. "Why are you here?" Laurel asked glaring at the blond haired woman.

Nothings New : Mike SchmitWhere stories live. Discover now