Chapter Six ( FINALE )

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Unfortunately the time has come...the clock has struck was time for everyone to go home...

You were the only person left at the party after everyone else left. Author-Chan handed people bags of candy on their way out and as the last person left , she ran to you and hugged you tightly. " I can't believe it ! My perfect Halloween ! My 16th halloween ! I'm so excited for next halloween , we can have another one like that over and over and over and- "

" Author , I don't think that would be possible " you joked with a tired yawn. That party took so much out of you. While you did have fun , you never really had the energy for parties unless its planned in advance. " I was thinking we can watch a movie before ya know , saying our goodbyes. "

A chipper smile appeared across her face. " Oh really ? As long as it's not horror , I'm in baby ! " chuckling at her enthusiasm , you hooked up your phone to her living room TV and watched Night of the Werehog alongside her with a large bowl of popcorn in between your lap. Halfway into the movie , you were startled by the sudden rustle of the wind and the groans from before , now louder then ever.

You turned to AC for a explanation. " Oh ! Silly me , must've left the window open ! Let me get that. " she was about to get up , but you almost instinctively got up before her , almost startling her. " Its ok. Let me go deal with it "

A look of confusion is spread across her face but its quickly replaced with a small smile " Oh ok "

You walked over to the window and closed it , returning to the couch to finish the short film.
Then the clock ticked again. Tick tock tick tock tick tock

It was starting to get on your nerves. Why did that noise sound so awful to you ?...the groans got louder. It was becoming harder to ignore.

The movie finished and you began to pack your things such as goodie bags and whatever else you had gotten there. With a smile , you gave Author a small hug and reached out the door.

A grip on your arm stopped you.

You looked back to her and saw her head hung low , her grip slowly tightening. " Wait , can you stay a little bit ? It's still Halloween and I wanna spend more of it with you. We can watch another movie or carve a pumpkin. I just don't wanna be alone for a while "

A bead of sweat drips down your forehead. Throughout the entire night , she's never acted this way. A part of you felt bad but your tiredness said otherwise. " Sorry Author , I'm really tired. Maybe we can hang out tomorrow ? "

You tried to turn the knob but her grip tightened even more. She looked up to you and her glossy eyes were ready to tear up. " Please....I just don't wanna end tonight ! "

Now you were uncomfortable. Quite frankly...a little scared. Slowly , your fingers gripped on the doorknob and you sudden hoisted it open. The force knocked back you and Author-Chan out of the mansion. You tried to get up and make a run for it but what you couldn't move. You were frozen with fear.

Graves. A bunch. All stuck into the ground in tilted positions. Webs coated them but unlike the fake ones from the party , these webs were real.

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Hallow's Eve - The Final HauntingWhere stories live. Discover now