Chapter 1

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I had never thought I'd see the day when the world was finally at peace. We had come a long way, overcoming countless obstacles, political turmoil, and global conflicts. It seemed like humanity had finally learned its lesson, that peace was achievable. Little did I know that the illusion of tranquility would shatter in the most devastating way possible.

It was a beautiful summer day when the news broke. North Korea had launched a nuclear missile, a stark reminder of the past. Panic swept across the globe as countries prepared for the worst. Within weeks, what started as a single act of aggression escalated into World War 3. It was a war unlike any other, with entire continents pitted against each other.

As the conflict raged on, the United States faced a dire shortage of soldiers. Desperation led the government to implement an unprecedented strategy: the draft was reinstated. It didn't matter who you were or where you came from; if you turned 20, you were drafted into the military program.

From a young age, everyone is sent to military schools, we are trained and taught everything that would help us before we officially join the army at age 20. And we all strove for one goal as kids, to be the top of the class. For 12 years we studied and at graduation we received our diplomas and our new name and our new branch. The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard. And the branch that was recently created. The Assassin Force, or simply known as Apex.

I ended up in that branch, and my new name became, Kira. After I... snapped and killed my graduation class. My reputation, it got worse from that day, my platoon avoided me and I was outcasted. My General picked on my daily, and my enemies feared me.

For 10 years I went solo and raised in the ranks, by age 25 I was an Apex Marshal. I trained my own team though, I would soon come to regret it years later.

In a mission to assassinate the President of North Korea and the generals, we had fallen into a trap and were getting chased when my top two soldiers had turned and backstabbed me.

Hyper-Monkey and Viper had turned towards be, bullets flying past them as they both drew their guns and before I could react I felt two bullets hit me in my vital organs, what a cruel world that I would get shot by my most loyal soldiers in my platoon. In the end, I fell, and the darkness closed in.

As I lay there, fading away, I couldn't help but wonder how it had all come to this. From a world at peace to a soldier of fortune in the deadliest of times, I had lived a life few could comprehend. And in the end, it was the very thing that had brought me into this world, the desire for peace, that had led to my downfall. The world had changed, and I with it, but I had never anticipated the ultimate price I would pay for my service.

As I lay on the cold floors, my consciousness slipping away, I came to find myself in an otherworldly realm, bathed in a soft, ethereal light. Before me stood four majestic beings, each seated upon a magnificent throne that seemed to be carved from the very fabric of the universe.

The man on the right looked as if the universe had taken a human body, it flickered like flames, the only feature that was clear were his glowing purple eyes. The one in the middle was a man with long flowing robes and he had long white hair and a beard to match, his eyes glowed golden, and his body seemed to be that of light itself. The third being looked exactly like Cthulhu except with 14 glowing red eyes and his body seemed to be constructed from shadows.

"Hello, Kira." The old man spoke. "We welcome you to our council room. We are the three great titans of creation. I am God, to my right is Khaos and to my left is Azathoth."

Azathoth nodded his tentacle beard moving., "The reason you're here is quite simple, young human. We govern the entire multiverse and we need help in one of our worlds."

Khaos spoke next, "You shall be reborn in the body of Perseus Jackson, a variant of the original that you know of."

God waved his hand and in front of me a hologram video of an apocalyptic world with demonic monsters and beings destroying the city as a flaming god-like being laughed, many humans lay dead. I could make out some that were wearing orange and purple shirts and lay dead weapons at their sides. "What you see here is Ragnarok, a cataclysmic war that will destroy that world if Perseus doesn't exist."

I couldn't help but frown. "What do you mean if he does not exist?" I asked

Khaos slowly nodded, "A year ago, Sally Jackson was taken advantage of and raped by the Big Three, drunk and only focused on pleasure they lost control and kept changing forms as they took turns."

"Due to the gods' divinity they aren't bound by the same laws as humans and Sally had gotten pregnant with a child that bore the D.N.A. of the Big 3, Perseus was born with a connection to both Greek and roman. The combined energy source put the child in a coma when it was born, he is currently at Death's door." Azathoth responded.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked.

"You will be reborn and take over his body and live his life. Use your knowledge and skill to overthrow those bastard gods."

"Hold on what!" I yelled in shock. "You expect me to go and overthrow the Olympian gods? Do you know how hard that will be with my skills as an Assassin? I kill humans not gods."

The Titans nodded in unison. "We will grant you four wishes," God explained. "They shall help you in your new life."."

I took a moment to contemplate my wishes. This was a hard choice. What would be the perfect wish?"

"For my first wish," I began, "I want the power to develop without limit, to have unlimited growth."

Azathoth nodded approvingly, "It shall be done."

"For my second wish," I continued, "I wish for control over Anake the primordial of Necessity and Fate."

Khaos's flames danced around him. "Not possible, she is a primordial goddess, a literal force beyond your mortal control."

"Wait seriously? Uhm okay what about her daughter's, the Moirai?" I asked. The council talked among themselves.

"Sure, why not. Those three need to learn a lesson anyways, and it will be hilarious to see them be loyal and serve a mortal." Khaos responded.

"For my third wish, I want the power to raise those I kill back from the dead as loyal servants bound to me. As for the details I think that you can figure it out.

Azathoth eyes sparkled with intrigue. "What an interesting wish."

"I agree, brother." God responded. "Now what is your last wish?"

"I would like a unique weapon." I responded after some thinking. " A weapon created that can only be used by me."

"A weapon, hmm yes we can agree to that." God responded. "We shall send you someone with your weapon when it is ready."

"Then so be it!" The three Titans of Creation stood and raised their hands. "We are the Protani's, the Titans of Creation, the overseers of the multiverse, the governors of life and death. Wish you all the luck in your new life... Perseus K. Jackson!"

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