Chapter 26

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In the blink of an eye, our surroundings shifted, and we found ourselves standing before the awe-inspiring Empire State Building. Its grandeur loomed above us, piercing the sky with its towering presence. Without hesitation, we headed straight inside, passing through the grand entrance.

Approaching the guard stationed at the front desk, I exuded an air of unwavering confidence as I spoke, "Six hundredth floor."

The guard, deeply engrossed in a massive fantasy book featuring a wizard on its elaborate cover, initially seemed slow to react. His eyes slowly lifted from the pages, and he responded with an air of casual indifference, "No such floor, kiddo."

Determined and resolute, I repeated my request, unwavering in my purpose. "I need an audience with Zeus."

The guard, still seemingly lost in the world of his fantasy novel, offered a vacant smile. "Sorry?"

"You heard me," I stated firmly, my resolve unshaken.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the guard retorted, "No appointment, no audience, kiddo. Lord Zeus doesn't see anyone unannounced."

A sly grin tugged at the corners of my lips as I prepared to reveal my ace in the hole. I nonchalantly slipped off my backpack, unzipped the top, and revealed the mysterious metal cylinder concealed within.

The guard's eyes widened dramatically as he beheld the enigmatic object. He stammered, attempting to articulate his thoughts. "That isn't..."

Without missing a beat, I interrupted, my voice laced with confidence, "Yes, it is."

A palpable tension hung in the air as the guard hesitated. I seized the opportunity, pressing my advantage. "You want me to take it out and—"

"No! No!" The guard's frantic response echoed through the lobby as he hastily scrambled to locate a key card. Finally, he retrieved it and thrust it toward me. "Insert this in the security slot. Make sure nobody else is in the elevator with you."

I accepted the key card, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. With the elevator doors closing behind me, I followed the guard's instructions to the letter. The key card disappeared into the slot, replaced by a new button on the console—a foreboding red button labeled "600."

Steeling myself, I pressed the ominous button and braced for the journey ahead. As the elevator began its ascent, the saccharine tunes of the Muzak system filled the air, offering an incongruously cheerful backdrop to our clandestine mission.

With a triumphant ding, the elevator doors slid open, revealing a sight that nearly sent my heart racing out of my chest. I stepped onto a narrow stone walkway suspended in the vast expanse of the sky, high above the sprawling metropolis of Manhattan. The cityscape stretched out beneath me, its intricate web of streets and buildings reduced to miniature form.

Before me, a spiraling staircase, carved from pristine white marble, ascended into the heavens. It resembled nothing less than the spine of a cloud, reaching toward realms unknown. My eyes followed the majestic stairway as it spiraled upward, leading to a culmination that defied comprehension.

The sight that awaited me at the zenith of that ethereal staircase was beyond the scope of mortal imagination. Olympus, the home of the gods, stood in all its magnificent glory. It was a realm that Rick Riordan's words could not adequately convey, a realm that defied expectations and transcended the limits of storytelling.

Amidst the celestial splendor, I knew one thing for certain—Olympus was far more magnificent and awe-inspiring than I had ever envisioned.

Emerging from the ethereal sea of clouds, a majestic mountain peak loomed into view, its snow-capped pinnacle soaring gracefully into the heavens. As if carved by divine hands, the mountainside cradled a sprawling city, a testament to architectural opulence. It appeared as though I had stumbled upon a realm where the grandeur of ancient Greece thrived, untouched by the ravages of time.

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