Chapter 9

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The night was filled with a raging storm, rain pouring down like a relentless deluge. I sat outside the cabin, wide awake, as thunder rumbled and lightning streaked across the dark sky. With a thought, I used my powers to create a protective bubble of air around me, keeping myself dry.

I gazed up at the night sky, identifying familiar constellations. I heard the cabin door open and turned to see Jackie.

"Hey what are you doing awake?" She asked

"I couldn't sleep, I came out here to think." I touched her arm, drying her off and extending the bubble and warmed her up with some fire.

"Sir, I have a question. How can you have so many diverse abilities? I thought you were the son of Hades, so how can you manipulate the water?" Jackie asked, scooting closer. I laughed as I looked out at the storm.

"That is because I am special. I'll leave it to my godly parents

"Ah I see, wait, someone is coming!" Jackie was on alert sniffing the air. "Smells like a goat."

I soon spotted someone approaching the cabin, running through the rain. As they neared I realized that the person was Grover, his expression a mix of fear and relief.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, my voice carrying a hint of surprise.

Grover jumped not expecting anyone to speak, but he soon let out a sigh of relief when he recognized me. "Percy, you're okay!"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" I asked, crossing my arms."

"You're in danger, Zeus sent a group of monsters after you, because he suspects you as a thief! You have to get to camp right now!

"Metrokoites" I cursed as I ran my hair through my hair. "Who did he send?"

"I believe it was a group of 9 monsters. The Minotaur is leading a group of 8 cyclops here."

"A Lot more than I expected." I muttered. "Lets go, I don't want to fight them here."

"If we are not taking the car how will we get to camp faster?" Grover was perplexed until I whistled and Lucifer jumped out my shadow growing to his true form. Grovers jaw hit the floor. I grabbed him by his shirt and set him on Lucifer's back. I grabbed Jackie and jumped on too. Ordering Lucifer to take us toward Camp, Lucifer ran into a nearby shadow and exited out next to a hill, miles away from where we were. We all got off and Grover practically yelled at us to hurry up the hill as the Cyclopes and the Minotaur were right behind us.

I turned to face the monsters and grinned, telling Jackie to take Grover up the hill. The Minotaur saw me and roared as it grabbed its ax from its back and charged straight at me. I stood my ground at the bottom of the hill, ready to face the oncoming threat. With a snarl, the Minotaur charged at me, its bull head low and its massive ax raised high.

As the Minotaur swung its ax, I rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding its deadly strike. I called upon my demigod reflexes and military training, moving with agility and precision. "Come on, Ground-Beef. You can do better than this! Give me a damn challenge!"

The cyclops go to step in but a roar from the Minotaur and they all back down and wait. Using the distraction I gave a swift kick to its hind leg, I knocked the Minotaur off balance. As it stumbled, I seized the opportunity, summoning Riptide and with a quick motion, I slashed at the Minotaur's exposed flank, leaving a deep gash that oozed dark ichor.

The Minotaur bellowed in pain and fury, but I wasn't finished. I dodged the swing of the ax as I willed fire into my fist and punched the bull in its face. The minotaur goes to grab me only to miss the last second when I kicked his arm away and moved my free hand through the rain getting a few droplets as I formed them into water needles and shot them all over his snout.

The son of Pasiphae roared in pain trying to get the needles out. I truly felt sorry for him, he had become a monster only because that was how everyone treated him. As the minotaur was struggling I sighed as I put it out of its misery and brought the rain down like a blade of a Guillotine and decapitated the beast killing it once and for all.

As the golden dust fell I grabbed the card and put it in my pocket. before turning to the 8 cyclops's. "Great, who's next?"

The cyclops roar in anger and attack, raising their clubs as they charge.

As I charged toward the remaining Cyclopes, the adrenaline pumping through my veins fueled my every move. Raindrops froze around my arms as I swung them down, transforming the downpour into deadly crescent blades. Two Cyclopes fell before me, their roars of agony echoing through the stormy night.

But I wasn't finished yet. With newfound power coursing through me, I manipulated the water from the rain-soaked ground, creating a towering water spout that rocketed three more Cyclopes into the air. They flailed helplessly as they were impaled on icy spikes that jutted from the water spout, their struggles futile as they met their doom.

Meanwhile, two razor-sharp water saws sliced through the air, tearing into the three Cyclopes suspended by the water spout. Limbs and blood scattered as the water saws made quick work of the remaining foes.

The lone Cyclops that had managed to avoid the onslaught tried to flee, its panicked screams filling the night air. It stumbled through the muddy terrain, desperation in its eyes. But it was not to be spared its fate. A thick spear of ice shot forth like a missile, piercing the Cyclops's chest and lifting it off the ground. Its shrieks were abruptly silenced as the ice spike tore it apart, leaving nothing but golden dust in its wake.

I stood amidst the aftermath, my breath ragged, and my body felt dead tired as I had used a lot of energy to kill the monsters. With a flick of my hand, I commanded the water to collect the eight cards that had been dropped during the battle, and I stashed them in my pocket. Turns out I only needed the card to revive the monsters using the command 'Rise' and 'Return' respectfully.

As the battle's adrenaline rush began to subside, I found myself gasping for breath, drenched from head to toe with no energy to keep myself dry, I was surrounded by the aftermath of the fierce conflict. My gaze shifted up the hill, where a gathering of demigods stood alongside Chiron and Grover, their expressions ranging from awe to disbelief. Unable to resist a touch of sarcasm, I decided to lighten the mood.

Summoning a playful grin, I offered a mock bow, my soaked clothes clinging to me as I addressed the assembly with a hint of humor in my voice.

"Well, well, well," I began, my tone dripping with sarcasm, "aren't we the picture of a welcoming committee? Greetings, everyone. I'm Perseus K. Jackson, and I just can't wait to become a part of this wonderful and loving family."

I took a step up the hill and before I could do anything, I blacked out falling face first into the mud. You had got to be kidding me!

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