Chapter 6

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"WHAT!" I yelled in frustration, standing before the Principal's desk. "What do you mean I have to tutor her!?"

"Exactly as I said," Mrs. Umbridge replied calmly. "Percy, you are the smartest student here, and you've already managed to get Nancy to stop bullying others. I don't know how, but you've clearly made an impact on her."

"Okay, maybe I had something to do with it, Mrs. Umbridge," I admitted with a sigh. "But where do I fit into all of this?"

"Well, Nancy's grades are currently the lowest in the entire school," Mrs. Umbridge explained. "I want you to personally tutor her and help her improve her performance. You have the skills for it, Percy, and we would greatly appreciate your assistance." She slid a form of agreement across her desk, grinning expectantly.

"Let me guess, her dad found out she's failing and threatened to sue the school if you don't find a tutor for her," I deduced, narrowing my eyes at the principal. "And now, because nobody else wants to help her, you're assigning her to me..."

"As perceptive as ever, Mr. Jackson," Mrs. Umbridge replied, handing me a pen. Annoyed, I sighed and signed the paper before passing it back.

"I'm leaving now."

"Don't forget, you're always welcome here, oh noble King of Yancy," she said, provoking me.

"Shut up, you old witch! That situation was your fault, and you know it!" I shot back, flipping her off. Umbridge simply laughed, finding amusement in the exchange. In her opinion, I was the most exceptional student she had ever encountered—well, within this year, at least.

When I left, the room was suddenly filled with a blinding light. When it cleared, three young women stood alone in the empty room.

"His powers are growing by the year. He is growing to become a real powerful demigod.," Clotho murmured, her gaze fixed on the door. "Adias has done an excellent job."

"He has surpassed our expectations, sister. Isn't our Master the best?," Lachesis giggled, adjusting her dress. "And he is growing to become quite cute!"

"Let us proceed as planned. Soon, our Master will become the greatest man to ever live," Atropos declared, the three cheered before another flash of light engulfed them, and Karma Umbridge reappeared.

"Yes," all three spoke in unison. "And we will stand by his side to assist him.."

< ----------------------------------- >

For the next two weeks, Nancy completely ignored me. Despite having all our classes together, she would rush to leave early, avoiding me whenever I approached. I couldn't help but notice her whispering with her friends, casting glances in my direction. Whenever our eyes met, she'd blush and quickly look away. Today was no different, but I had decided it was time to confront Nancy.

As my lessons concluded, I dismissed the class and began packing up my things. Nancy was there, gathering her belongings and looking distracted as she doodled in her notebook.

"Nancy!" I called out, causing her to pause momentarily. I gathered my things and approached her, speaking in a hushed tone so only we could hear.

"We should talk," I suggested.

"What are you talking about, freak?" Nancy retorted, but her heart wasn't in it; her insult sounded more like a reflex than genuine hostility.

"Nancy, just... I'll be in the library at six. I'll be waiting." With that, I pushed past her and left her standing there, confused.

I almost didn't notice that she had swiped my wallet as I walked past her.

Turning around, I said, "Also, I'd like my wallet back, thank you very much. Hand it over, Boba Fett."

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