Arrancar OC Bio:

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(credit to The-Crimson-X on Deviantart)

Name: Xenethis Chimera

Alias: The Red Servant, Crimson Spider, No Face Xenethis, and The Guillotine of Hueco Mundo. 

True Age: 118

Visual Age: 20

Hair Color: Dark Red

Eye Color: Yellow/Gold

Skin Color: White

Height: 5'11

Weight: 11st

Gender: Male

Born: 1879

Location: London

Age At Death: 9 (1882)

Death: Murdered

Squad: Tier Harribel's Fraccion

Rank: Arrancar 11

Ambition: To protect and serve Tier Harribel.

Hobbies: Training, music, cooking, and occasional drinking.

Dislikes: All those who disrespect his allies.

Personality: Xenethis is very reserved in personality, though not the extent of Ulquiorra. He tends to keep quiet as a result of fear of his own rage, and the destructive consequences that followed. Examples of this come from his time as a Demented Gillian, which to him seemed like a short blur of hunger and anger, despite it lasting decades. More recently, it comes from the vivid flashbacks of his own death, which cause him to break out into a bloodrage and try to kill anything in his line of vision. As a result, he tends to keep to himself, though he is far from emotionless.

For an Arrancar, he is shown to have something of a complex nature. He has no trouble killing, and when angered will go to great lengths to ensure his enemies are slaughtered. On the other hand, he is shown to be capable of affection, shown from his time spent with Tia Harribel, which goes beyond the primal instincts of Hollows. He also doesn't shy away from forming friendships, or rivalry's for that matter, as evident with the many members of the Espada. He also has something of a dry sense of humour, especially when around his fellow Fraccion.

He is a gentleman at heart, and sees women as meaningful pursuits rather than disposable pleasures. Cautious by nature, he is somewhat suspicious and fearful of Sōsuke Aizen and his company. In regards to the Soul Reapers and Aizen's plans, he remains neutral. He holds no prejudice against the Soul Society, but doesn't much care for them either. His loyalty to Harribel and his comrades is the driving force behind all of his actions, and simply wishes to spend eternity by her side.


Xenethis could be easily mistaken for a Vizard, as the remnants of his Hollow Mask remain intact despite going through the Soul Reaperfication process

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Xenethis could be easily mistaken for a Vizard, as the remnants of his Hollow Mask remain intact despite going through the Soul Reaperfication process. The mask covers his face. His eyes are a bright yellow, though unlike Vizard Masks he lacks the black pupils. The jagged 'teeth' of the mask rarely breaks even when he's speaking, as it only tends to when he screams. The mask has two red stripes that run along the left side from top to bottom. His skin is a creamy white colour, similar to people like Grimmjow. His most unique feature is his spiked blood red hair. When he was human his hair was a charcoal black, but upon his death his soul seemed to soak up the blood that came from his fatal wound, which became permanent when he became an Arrancar. The wound itself has become a scar in the shape of an 'x'. However, one of the corners has extended from his chest all the way to his right hip, presumably stretched from his time as a Demented Gillian.

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