Chapter Thirty Seven

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that night,

To say it was packed was an understatement. Two schools occupy the football field-sized gymnasium with round tables to occupy each and every student. All tables have their own champagne, 4% alcohol only to accommodate the underaged ones. All tables also have flower centerpieces and the finest foods served depending on a student's order. Carvalle is nothing but the best, for the best.

Envy sits on a table right in front of the stage, a seat beside Greed as it always have been. The front row tables are reserved for the Seven Deadly Kings and the Twelve Zodiac Queens, and their companions. Right now, approaching Greed's table is none other than Aries from the Levough Dorm.

"Greed, I miss you..." The one and only Leader of the Zodiac Queens bends to greet Greed with cheek-to-cheek kisses.

"Aries, my favorite girl..." Greed greets back as the curly-headed woman takes the seat beside him, as another girl sits down too. "Oh, you have Pisces with you again, how sweet..."

"Of course, why wouldn't I bring my little Goldfish?" Aries proudly smiles, showing off her friend.

Meanwhile, Pisces elbows her. "Don't call me names, that's mean... oh, hi Envy!" She cheerfully waves to the gloomy-looking Deadly King, who only gives an empty half-smile in return. "You're gonna dance again, right?! Awww, it's gonna be so great, I'm looking forward to it! You're such a great dancer, Envy!"

"Don't be too excited now Pi, you'll turn glitch annoyingly when you're too excited," Aries smiles, before turning to Greed. "But, I am excited with the news that other Deadly Kings will be joining too, Greed... aren't you threatened?"

Greed scoffs proudly, "Me, threatened? I beat Lulu last year, and he is significantly more admired than me. I will take this win like a bird's feather."

He takes a swig of the champagne, grinning ear to ear as he tells Envy, "We'll sure win, right En?" Leaning into the hybrid where the girls couldn't hear he whispers darkly, "Or else..."

"Aww, you guys are so sweet, are you a couple? Greed, you're so handsome, you'll go so well with the pretty Envy!" Pisces asks excitedly, clapping her hands.

"It's none of our business, Pi..." Aries drinks her whole glass of champagne too, while giving the smiling Greed a suspicious side-eye.

Envy, even with anxiety building up on his knees, spots a long-haired Lust sitting on the table beside them, where Envy is facing, and he finds himself looking for certain individuals who may come and sit with Lulu. But no, it's Wrath, Sloth, Ken and Hani sitting with them, and Envy feels discouraged.

"Lust looks as beautiful as ever," Aries states, "But who is that long-nosed Asian between Wrath and Sloth?"

"Oh, that's Ken, Wrath's claim." At Greed's answer, Pisces inhaled her saliva and choked on it, making Aries slap her back with a straight face.

"Wrath claimed someone? Interesting... and a cute one, at that."

"That person beside Lust... he's also claimed by me," Greed says.

"Oh, and why isn't he sitting here? We should invite him here—"

"Not yet, Aries," Greed says. "After we win, I can take him for myself. For now, there are complicated circumstances."

"Don't tell me there's a game? You boys and your games..."

Greed merely smirks, putting his arm around Envy's chair, encasing the dead empty hybrid in his possession.

Then, the lights go down and the program starts, exciting everyone in the whole gymnasium.

an opening program later,

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