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Anisa's pov

The following day, after my zuhr salah, I found myself standing in the sitting room, leaning against
the wall with my hands folded. My attention was captivated by the sight of Mama and Hanifa, seated on the mat, meticulously tying bundles of ginger while engaging in their usual lively conversation.

I found solace in witnessing their connection. Mama had quickly formed a strong bond with Hanifa, and they conversed freely. Admittedly, at times, I experienced a tinge of envy, but I couldn't hold it against Mama. I've always been the type of person who rarely engages in idle chatter unless it's gossip, a pastime Mama disapproved of.

My fondness for Hanifa ran deep. She was genuinely kind and a person of outstanding character. Lately, though, there was a change in her demeanor. When she spoke, it was as if she harbored a premonition of leaving this world. Her benevolence puzzled me; I often wondered if life would have been easier for her had she come from a wealthy family. Wealthy children didn't typically exhibit the same level of kindness.

Sometimes on our trips to the market to purchase provisions, Hanifa would often end up buying more than we needed and instruct us to use the extra money for other essentials. Having her around was truly a blessing.

Hanifa's voice disrupted my thoughts, jolting me back to the present. "Are you going to join us, or will you continue to stand there and stare at us?" she quipped.

Mama, never one to mince words, chimed in, "Is something wrong, or have you reverted to your old lazy ways?"

Just then, Ashraf entered the sitting room, laden with a backpack and a trolley. The sight of him caused my heart to race, though I concealed my surprise and maintained a façade of expecting his arrival. However, beneath the surface, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, the source of which eluded me.

Mama, puzzled by the sight of Ashraf's luggage, inquired, "What's with the suitcase, Ashraf?"

"Wallahi, Mama, I need to return to the city," he responded.

Perplexed, Mama asked, "Why? Are you not content here?"

With a chuckle, Ashraf clarified, "It's not that, Mama. There's a business venture I must embark upon, and time is of the essence. I've been receiving urgent calls, so I must return to kickstart things."

Moved by his decision, Mama beckoned him closer, expressing her maternal affection. Ashraf knelt before her, and she embraced him, placing a tender kiss on his forehead. "Allah yasa maka Albarka," she prayed, beseeching Allah to protect him and grant him success.

"Ameen, Mama, thank you," Ashraf replied, rising to his feet. He continued, "I want to express my gratitude to all of you. I've truly enjoyed my time here. Willowbrook is a charming and tranquil place. I now understand why Anisa is reluctant to leave for the city. This place exudes peace," he added, casting a subtle glance in my direction.

I remained in my spot, my hands still gently folded over my chest, my gaze firmly fixed on Ashraf and Mama.

Ashraf's words broke the momentary silence. "It's been truly enjoyable, Hanifa. You are an exceptional person and a kind friend. I can't wait to return for you and Musbahu's wedding," he remarked, evoking laughter from everyone present, though I merely offered a faint smile.

Then, his tone turned more somber. "I hope Anisa doesn't continue to be a source of headaches for you all, and I'm fairly certain she's overjoyed to see me depart. Unfortunately, you won't witness our little dramas, our arguments, and the occasional spats," he spoke slowly, each word laden with emotion, as if he were departing for a distant land, implying we might never meet again.

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