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He brought the car to a halt as they encountered traffic, and she gazed at him for longer than she had in a while, a sight he found quite endearing.

Returning her gaze, he playfully snapped his fingers close to her face, coaxing her out of her reverie. She quickly averted her eyes, feeling a sudden rush of shyness and her heart racing. The urge to steal another glance at him was strong, but she resisted.

His eyes remained fixed on her, as if he were attempting to decipher the thoughts written on her face. Her expression was a silent tale, and he couldn't help but be captivated by it.

As the traffic eventually cleared, Ashraf resumed driving, yet she still felt a lingering sense of embarrassment. During the drive, he noticed her sneaking a smile, concealing her lips with her hand, but he had already caught a glimpse of her moment of happiness.

He found himself reminiscing about the protective older brothers who would take his little sister out for ice cream, speculating that her radiant smile might be attributed to the simple joy of such outings.

After parking the car, they both stepped out and entered the cozy ice cream parlor. The sun had already set, casting a dim hue over the evening, a contrast to her usual early formwork closure.

Seated at an outdoor table, her countenance appeared oddly transformed, as if the source of her earlier laughter, the car, had now been replaced with something else.

As she indulged in a scoop of ice cream, its delightful taste prompted her to take another spoonful. She savored it, losing herself in the moment to the point where she momentarily forgot Ashraf's presence. Her enjoyment was evident, causing Ashraf to chuckle, which served as a gentle reminder of his company.

She met his gaze and paused, her spoon resting in the ice cream. "You shouldn't laugh at me," she playfully chided, her voice taking on a childlike quality. She formed a mock pout with her lips. "It's been so long since I've enjoyed something sweet like this."

Observing her actions brought forth even more laughter from Ashraf, and he marveled at the stubborn determination displayed in her expression, a side of her he hadn't witnessed before.

"Ashraf, what's so amusing?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

Unable to suppress his mirth, he responded, "You just look adorable when you do that," prompting her to roll her eyes playfully before resuming her ice cream consumption with newfound delicacy.

"I'll get another one for you to take home," he offered, half-expecting a decline, but to his delight, she agreed, adding an extra layer of happiness to his mood.

The evening air was pleasantly cool, and as they savored their chilled ice cream, Anisa adjusted her long gown and the veil framing her face. She contemplated donning the veil to maintain modesty, but Ashraf gallantly removed his jacket and handed it to her. Shyly, she accepted the kind gesture.

After a few moments, Ashraf found himself unable to continue savoring his ice cream, and it was Anisa who suggested they return home.

Upon their arrival at home, Awwal, who had been waiting, noticed a change in their dynamic, particularly Anisa's radiant smile, which piqued his interest.

Auntie Nusaiba, always the epitome of style, graced the living room in a sleek pencil gown. Her words began to flow even before she reached her intended spot.

"What took you guys so long? It's after Isha Salah, no..." Her sentence trailed off as her discerning eyes noticed something amiss between the two.

The twins wore matching smiles, especially with the sight of the ice cream in Ashraf's hands.

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