Chapter 4

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Nothing in this world is more difficult than love...

Next day...
3rd Person P. O. V.
Kate was in a good mood... As Aaron, Asher and Lorenzo apologized to her and treated her ice cream... She was happy.

But when she stepped down for breakfast her smile faded...

He's joining us for breakfast again? Soooooo frustrating... I lost my appetite.
She thought but sat nonetheless... Not wanting a drama.

Cataleya... I hope your brothers already warned you and what you did yesterday doesn't happen again.
Fabiano said... She nodded.

Lorenzo said.

Yes Father.
She said... She was really sad... Really really really sad... He tried to slap her again... She was scared that he will turn abusive after some time.

The rules were not being followed properly so Lorenzo lectured everyone and now they all are sitting so quietly.

Pancakes for my queen... Made by me.
Alexander said placing pancakes infront of Kate who smiled brightly... Her favorite.

And for my princesses too.
Alex said now placing the pancakes infront of Renesmee and Hazel making them both smile.

Hence proved you only love your sisters huh.
Aiden said sulking.

How can I forget my princes?
Alex said smiling placing their favorite cheese omelette in front of them... Lucas was about to eat but Alex kissed his cheek... He made a disgusted face making half of his siblings laugh.

And of course... Chocolate milk for my baby bro..
Alex said placing the chocolate milk infront of Asher.

Dude... I'm just a year younger.
Asher said.

Still my baby bro.
Alex said.

And here your favorite French toast my knight.
Alex said... Aaron cringed and fake gagged when Alex tried to irritate him by kissing his cheek.

What's with you Lex... You are... Really cringy today..
Renesmee said.

Just happy to see my family complete.
Alex said... Hazel smiled gratefully.

Alex then spread the butter on the bread for Lorenzo who smiled gratefully.

Nothing for your dad?
Fabiano asked... Alex's smile faded... He was angry on him for trying to slap Kate... Yet he placed his favorite half fry egg infront of him.

Fabiano smiled.

Eat fast.
Lucas said impatiently as soon as he was done... Kate was busy devouring the delicious pancakes made especially for her.

Shut up... Let me eat.
Kate said... Renesmee rolled her eyes then took the pancake and forcefully fed it to her fastly... Cuz she know if she let Kate take her time... They will be realllllyyyy late... Because Kate eats her favorite food slowly and literal take 1 whole minute to enjoy the taste of the bite.

Let's go.
Aiden said.

Yayieeee... Today is my turn to sit on the passenger side.
Renesmee said.

Nes.... If you don't mind... Can you sit back today... I mean Hazel is new so she should sit on front today hehe... I mean she'll enjoy the straight view.
Aiden said... Lucas glared at him secretly... Renesmee forced everything in her to keep herself from not smiling... She was forcing herself to keep the smile which was now begging to fade... She nodded.

𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖞𝖘... (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now