Chapter 11

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I've made so many mistakes that now their is no one left who believes in me...

Renesmee P. O. V.
I never knew being an elder sister can be this hard... Kate... Being her elder sister seemed easy until I realized how much she's hiding... How much I'm failing to understand her.... I'm not understanding her silence...

Hazel.... She's different but I'm sure there are multiple things she's hiding as well... I know... But I'm not able to do anything... What can I do? She's just... Too sad..

I feel like.... I can never be a good sister.... No matter how much I try... I still fail to be there for Kate and now... I can't be there for Hazel... Lucas is being harsh to her and I'm quiet... Our brothers are discriminating and I'm not able to say anything.......

I hate whatever happened in our past... It caused our family to get extra overprotective... And... We lost our freedom..

And it's all fault of our father.... Knowingly... Or unknowingly.

Nesmee wake up...
I heard Aaron wake me up... I was awake.... My eyes were closed... I held his wrist immediately.

Please don't be upset with Kate.
I said... He looked shocked for a minute but then rolled his eyes.

She deserves that.
Aaron said... I back hugged him.

She doesn't... She really don't... All she did was.. Trying to thank him for saving her... That's her only fault... Please forgive her.
I said.... This is wrong... Kate doesn't deserve any of this..

Aaron sighed and hugged me tightly..

I love you all... You know... How hard was it to always protect you all... You know how Kate disappeared... I can't lose her again... I can't.
Aaron said... That day was the worst day of our life... And i wish we never have to face that again.

And you won't... She's never going to find out anything about them... They are no one to her.
I said.... Even though I'm saying this rn... Is it really the truth? Will Kate really never find out about them.

I'll see.
He said and left... I sighed and went to the bathroom to freshnup.

I don't know why it's so hard for them to show their feelings... Idk why Aaron changed... What is going on? Idk.

I got ready for college and stepped down.

Heyyy guys... Good morning.
I said cheerfully... Everyone were already eating.

I sighed noticing Kate sad.

Hey Kate... Wanna go to eat icecream after college?
I asked trying to cheer her up.

Lorenzo denied before Kate can even say anything... She smirked.

See... I can't.
Kate said... I felt bad for her.

You can... But not for now.
Asher said

Yeah yeah.
Kate said and got up as she was done but Alexander placed milk infront of her and said nothing... She sighed and drank it... If it was a normal day... She would've been like... Eww I'm not drinking.. And arguing with Alex... But today... She drank it.

Let's go.
Aiden said... Noticing the tension in the room.

You go... I'll be back after finishing the juice.
I said... They nodded and got up leaving to the car.

Seriously guys... You're being too much.
I said and left angrily.

This is extreme now.

Hazel looked at me as I sat beside her in the car.

𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖞𝖘... (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now