Chapter 15

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Why is it that when you're near me, my heartbeat quickens?

Hazel P. O. V.
I layed on my bed... And slept first... But after some hours I got up and looked at my phone... Miles... Texted me..

Should I reply? Of course I should..

I'm fine... Just feeling under the weather... I'll be back soon...
I replied.

And not even a minute passed he replied.

Oh... What's your wish?
He texted... I bit my lip confused.

I replied.

I told you to grant my wish if I won the match... But you did.. So well.. Tell me your wish... I'll grant it.
He said... I felt good for some unknown reason...

I have no wish.
I said.

Really Hazel Wilson?
I panicked seeing his text.

You know?
I asked..

Yeah... Now tell me your wish.
He texted... I sighed... I have no idea how he knows but well.. If he wanted to tell anyone he would've by now.

I have no wish.
I replied.

Come on Hazel... Tell me... Okay fine.. Tell me something you always wanted to do.
He texted... I sighed.

I seriously have no wish... And what I've always wanted to do? Maybe... Go on a long drive at late night and go to a place where we can see the moon and the stars clearly... And where there is a little cool breeze... But somewhere where no wild animals are.
I replied..

Oh... Sweet... Seriously tell me... What's your wish?
He asked.

No wish.
I said.

Fine... Bye.
He said and I guess... Went somewhere.

I texted bye and kept my phone away... He's.. Annoying... But he makes my heart flutter... And I have no idea why?

Hi... Time to change your bandages... And check your stitches.. Can you remove your top?
Alexander asked... I nodded and removed my top... I was just in my bra and believe me when I say it's awkward... But he kept his eyes on my stomach and ribs... And I felt good that he respected my privacy despite being my brother.

He came closer and took the first aid from my drawer... And cleaned the stitches... Then he bandaged my wounds again and I wore my top... He then looked at the self inflicted cuts and cleaned them again before bandaging them.

He called out... I looked at him.

As you know... Kate and you are practically our half sisters... Victor's are her.. Other half brothers.
He said and I was frozen... Okay... I seriously never expected that.

We never told Kate or let her find out... And I want you to promise to never tell her... Or the Victor's... They know they have a sister but have no idea it's Kate... One of the reason why your's and her's identity is hidden in college... We don't want them to know Kate is their sister and if they find out about you... They will just doubt you are their sister... I know... I know they also have a right on her but Victor's are seriously not good people and it's dangerous for her... And... They will want her for themselves.
Alexander said.

I still don't understand..
I said... He sighed.

Her mom... She was married to Dante Victor... Before she got divorced and well... Our dad saw her and offered to marry him just because he hated Dante and wanted a mother for us... She had nowhere to go practically as her family were always against her and Dante but she ran away.. And then... Thinking she'll get a roof... She got married to dad... One day... They both were drunk and oh well yk... And then when dad found out she was pregnant... He was happy... He always loved kids after all... But... He warned her not to tell anyone... He warned her that the baby's other brothers should never know... And she agreed... We never knew when the Victor's found out... Kate was really young and she just ran away... Leaving letters on Lorenzo's desk for all of our's birthdays... And dad was furious... He tried to handle Kate, Renesmee and Lucas on his own but well... The babies needed their mother... Aiden was a mature kid so he never really cried even though he was also really young... One day... Dante Victor demanded to see the kid... The daughter of his wife... Claiming that his son's have the right to see her... But dad told them that Kate's mother took her with her... And after that... Dad changed... He stopped looking after Kate... He stopped everything... She was just a baby.. Me and Lorenzo were the ones who took care of her... Changing her diapers... Making her milk... Playing with her... Bathing her.. And what not... We all brothers... Except Aiden and Lucas of course... They were way too young... Took care of her.

𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖞𝖘... (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now