Chapter 17

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And you're never be alone... I'll be with you from dusk till dawn.

2 days later...
Lucas... I swear if I don't get my phone in 2 minutes... I'll murder you.
Renesmee said... They were currently in their uniforms..... And running allover the living room because Lucas snatched her phone and ran away making her follow him.

Hazel and Cataleya chuckled as they came downstairs... Hazel was feeling alot better and her injuries were healing fast... So she told her brothers she will go to college and promised to take care of herself there... Renesmee and Aldo fought the same for the past two days and so did Lucas and Mariella.

Catch me if you can.
Lucas said.... Running away from Renesmee... She sighed in frustration and then a thought came in her mind... She smirked secretly and sat on the sofa... Looking down... Forcing tears in her eyes... Kate shook her head at their antics whereas Hazel ran to Renesmee worried... Trying to comfort her.

Lucas... You made her cry... Why you always have to trouble her so much? Come on apologize.
Hazel scolded him... Lucas got worried and went to Renesmee.

Hey Nes... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you... I'm so sorry... Please forgive me.. Here take your phone... I won't trouble you.. Just don't cry.
Lucas said... Renesmee took her phone and ran away laughing and wiping her fake tears shocking both Hazel and Lucas... Lucas frowned while Hazel started laughing.

Seriously guys... Grow up..
Aiden said.. He was in disbelief that they are 19.

Nice joke Aiden... They... Growing up? Unbelievable.
Asher said.

Aiden turned around only to bump into Aaron who got disbalanced and was about to fall but Aiden held him... His hands around his waist and Aaron's hand on his shoulders...

Oh... Thanks dude.
Aaron said... Aiden didn't helped Aaron stand but looked into his eyes while Aaron felt awkward suddenly.

Were your eyes always this beautiful..? I want to keep looking in them and drown in them.
Aiden said in a flirty voice..... Aaron looked at him disgusted... Aaron stood straight and pushed Aiden away lightly.

Stay away you pervert.
Aaron said.

How can I stay away... When you attract me like a magnet.
Aiden again teased him in a flirty tone... Aaron fake gagged..

Cataleya, Hazel and Renesmee burst out laughing... While Lucas tried his best not to laugh.. Asher was snickering in the corner.

Alexander and Lorenzo looked at them in disbelief.

When I look at you... I feel like my every worry vanished.
Aiden said again.

Shut up Aiden... You're disgusting.
Aaron said annoyed.

Aiden chuckled... He loves annoying Aaron.

Okay okay enough... Have your breakfast.
Alexander said.

Hazel... What's that on your face?
Asher said... His voice sounding like he was shocked.

Hazel asked worried touching her face.

That... Omg...
Lucas joined in... Hazel touched her face.

𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕴𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖆𝖞𝖘... (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now