Twenty One

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The Plan 

"Substantia nigra is involved in Parkinson's di..." Ezra sighed as she trailed off, the ceiling suddenly lookinng very interesting as she twirled around repeatedly in her office chair. A routine. As the chair spun and her vision become more and more blurry, she realised she had found herself in a routine. By now it had been more than a month since she was taken, kidnapped if you will, and things were  somehow falling into a natural routine. She would get up, mostly by herself or sometimes by Rose, eat, and then spend most of the morning studying. Then the afternoon would be spent either walking around in the garden or in the company of Noah. In the evening, she'd either cry herself to sleep longing for her life back or study some more before sleeping. Every now and then her day would be different where Yong, true to his word, had arranged a private lesson for a practical or clinical simulation she had missed. She still didn't understand Yong's desire for her to keep up to date with school, especially since he had made it abuntantly clear that she wasn't leaving this place anytime soon. At least, it gave her something to distract herself with. A routine. Something that she both hated and loved. Truth to be told her studies were also a form of hope, hope that it must mean her stay here wasn't meant to be permanent. 

She stopped spinning around in the chair and leaned her head against her desk. She just wanted to go home. She missed the boys, she missed her friends, she missed her life. You might be tired of hearing this but imagine how tired she was. A part of her had already given up on understanding why everything that had happened to her, well, happened. But a small but strong part of her was eager to know who, if not Yong, was behind all of this and why they were so adament to see her dead. 

"Keep creasing your forehead like that and you're going to need botox." Ezra sat up instantly, turning her head to the right only to be startled beyond belief. On her bed lay a woman, twirling a strand of her hair as she smiled at her. A woman, Ezra couldn't remember the last time she encountered a woman other than Rose. She realised now, after weeks with only testosterone for company, how much she missed the soft and gentle looks of her own sex. This woman was gorgeous, she had thick black hair which hung past her shoulders in gentle curves. She had glowing, pale skin, something she knew everyone strived for and was considered a luxury in their society. It was also that something that used to bother her as it contrasted her darker and more tan skin tones, making her feel undesirable throughout her youth, well until she met Nathan. The woman also had long, slender legs with perfectly painted toes. She looked like a model. One who wasn't supposed to be in her room. Again, her room, another indication of how long she had been here. 

"Who are you?" She questioned, moving the chair slightly backwards. You never knew with these people. The woman smiled, sitting up properly. 

"I'm Hannah, I'm here to keep you company. He was worried that you might be missing the company of a female." 

Ezra frowned. Worried? He? Who was the 'he' she was referring to? Who could possibly be that concerned for her well-being? Well, obviously there only one person she could think of. 

"Who? Noah?" Hannah smiled, a grin that Ezra couldn't interprete. 

"Shall we go out for a walk?" Ezra looked at her wearily, she didn't know what this was but she didn't want to be a part of it. She was already going insane by the fact that everything was starting to feel so normal, she didn't want to become buddies with anyone to further solidify that feeling. 

"No, I'm good. Just leave me alone, I need to study." She answered, walking towards the door and opening it, hoping this Hannah would just leave. 

"Look, Ezra," Hannah sighed, getting up to walk towards her. Revealing the black, silk mini-dress she was wearing that hugged her figure perfectly. "I know how you're feeling right now. I just want to be of some co-" 

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