☆Moxxie?- M&M

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Plot: Moxxie dissappears one day without a trace, but a year later during the festival at Millie's farm, a demon appears to save her from an angel sent to kill them all. Moxxie had returned.

Reference Photo: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/11/cc/73/11cc73016d685127cfa28afc20bca021.jpg

Requested By: Rodikoda


Millie sighed as she pulled her red sleeveless flannel over her shoulders. Today was the festival, her first festival without her loving husband by her side. Oh how she missed him, they never did figure out what happened or where he went. He just vanished, gone with the wind. Millie couldn't bring herself to accept that Moxxie, even if it was a whole year since his disappearance. He wasn't gone. He couldn't be gone. One day he would come back, he wouldn't just leave her behind. Right?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door.

"Hey, Mills, Dad wants us outside," Sally May said before walking away.

Millie sighed one final time, fixing her hair before she walked out of her room and out the front door.

The family walked out together, enjoying the festivities. Everyone they knew was there, even Blitzo and Stolas, though they were mostly keeping to themselves. Millie tried her best to get into the festive spirit, she couldn't help but feel this emptiness inside of her. If Moxxie were here, would he play his guitar for her? Would he dedicate a song to her? Would they spend all day and night together, just enjoying each others company before going home to cuddle and sleep?

Her father noticed his daughters change in behavior and placed a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

"You alright, honey? Ya seem down."

She forced a smile, "I'm alright, Daddy, don't worry." He didn't believe her at all, but dropped the matter anyway.

Just as things were starting to pick up, the unexpected happened. In a flash of bright light, three angels appeared. At first, they just floated above as the demons below stared on in fear, but then they charged, attacking demons left and right.

Millie and her family fled to their house to grab whatever weapons they could to defend their home. Millie was the first to run out with a shotgun in her hands and a knife in her pocket. An angel noticed her, to which their battle began.

Shots were fired and blood was shed, but in the end, Millie couldn't keep up. She was thrown harshly against a far tree, sending waves of pain shooting through her spine. Blood trickled down her forehead and brusies littlered her body. The angel laughed as it slowly moved towards her. Her gun was broken, her knife was shattered, and fear filled her head.

What went wrong? What was different today? Was it because she was upset about Moxxie? Oh how she wished Moxxie was here, at least then she would've been able to die by her partners side if things went the same.

The angel closed the gap between them. Millie squeezed her eyes shut and put an arm up in defense, but the pain never came. She slowly moved her arm down and cracked open her eyes, only to see a stranger basked in a black and purple glow. She watched in pure amazement as the stranger fought the angels, seeming almost impossible to beat until they recieved a few blows which did shed some blood. And yet, that didn't stop them. The angels fled, and everyone stayed where they were, just staring at this powerful stranger.

They turned to Millie, quickly crouching down in front of her. She was finally able to get a good look at them. They were handsome, no doubt, and quite muscular. Definitely not normal in the slightest, at least, she had never seen a creature like them. She was about to ask a ton of questions, particularly about who they were until she quickly figured it out based on one sentence from the stranger.

"Oh crumbs! Millie, are you okay?!"

It was Moxxie, she was certian. She had only ever heard one demon utter the word crumbs instead of a swear in a sentence like that.

"Mox?" She asked, although she was certian of the answer.

He paused for a moment from examining her wounds.  "Of course it's me, Millie, who else would I be?"

Before Millie could retort, her father ran over to her in a panic.

"Millie!" He inspected her wounds quickly first, making sure that she wouldn't drop dead the second he touched her before pulling her close in a tight hug. "I was so worried! We couldn't find ya!"

Millie groaned a bit as she escaped the hug. "Where's Mom and Sally May?"

"At home, your Momma got hurt real bad." He said before finally noticing Moxxie, who was still crouched down near Millie. He was shocked, to say the least, having never seen someone like him before. "Who the hell are you?!"

"Pa, this is Moxxie," Millie said, causing Moxxie to give his signature cute wave.

"The fuck he is. I'm sorry to say, sweetie, but your husband is a weakling. He's good with weapons, I'll give him that, but there is no way in hell someone like Moxxie could take on that many angels by himself. This guy probably isn't even an imp, there's just no way."

Moxxie smiled, "I'm sorry, sir, but it is me. A lot of stuff happened and I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but please believe me when I say that it is me." He thought for a moment before remembering something. "I can prove it!" The black and purple magic faded, revealing that he is, in fact, an imp. Not quite the same as the Moxxie they remember, but still slightly recogizeable from the face and the voice.

Millie smiled brightly, tears streaming down her face as she threw herself into her husbands arms and into a tight and loving embrace.

"I thought I lost ya, Mox."

He felt tears fall from the corners of his eyes as well, "I would never leave you behind, honey."


The reunion was an emotional one indeed for the family. They all missed him dearly, and it was nice to see Millie so happy, the happiest she's been in a long time.

Once everyones wounds were taken care of, they all sat together in the living room: Moxxie and Millie on one couch, Millie's parents on the other, and Sally May decided to lean against a nearby wall.

Moxxie took a deep breath, squeezing Millie's hand slightly before beginning his tale.

"The day I went missing, I was out getting some things for Millie and I when something strange happened. A portal appeared out of nowhere and took me to a strange place. I'm not exactly sure were, but it didn't seem like one of the rings of Hell. Monsters roamed everywhere and time progressed much quicker than time here. I was certian I was going to die, but I couldn't leave Millie behind, I just couldn't." He looked over at Millie, giving her a small kiss on the cheek before continuing. "I grew strong buy fighting these monsters, working my way up from small ones to larger ones over the years. Not only did I gain strength, but also magic, powerful magic as most of you have seen. I perfected my magic and grew my strength for a few more years until another portal appeared, bringing me back here to fight the angels and return to Millie."

The family sat there in amazement as they listened to Moxxie's tale. It seemed unbelievable, impossible, but based on everything they've seen today, it wasn't entirely unlikely. Millie, however, didn't care if it was fake. She had her husband next to her, for the first time in a year. It was a dream come true.

Millie's mother smiled at the two imps across from her, enjoying seeing how happy the two of them were.

"How 'bout we finish this conversation later. After today and all the shit Moxxie's been through, I say we all deserve a nice nap and some food," she said. Sally May agreed instantly and sluggishly walked off to her room, closing the door behind her.

"You can sleep in my room, Mox," Millie said, standing up and dragging her husband with her.

He smiled and wraped his arms around her waist, giving her a gentle kiss on her lips. "I wasn't planning on leaving you alone again."

She smiled and they shared one more passionate kiss before heading off to Millie's room for the night.

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