☆Save me- Stolitz

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Plot: What if Blitzø went to save Stolas instead of Moxxie and Millie?

Extra Info: Based on Season 2 Episode 4


Blitzø pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and threw his phone down. Stolas was in danger, Loona needed to get her shot, he was conflicted. What was he going to do? Sure, he had the incredible urge to rip out Striker's throat for having the intention of hurting his beloved bird, but Loona was scared, and she needed him.

He groaned and hit his head against the wheel of his car, alerting M&M and Loona. For a mere moment, Loona forgot about her upcoming appointment and looked over at her father. He was conflicted, lost in an internal fight with himself. Despite the fact that having him with her would be comforting, Stolas needed him. Who was she to deny her father the chance to possibly save his partners life.

She placed her hand on Blitz's shoulder, causing him to look up at her. "Go, I'll be okay. These two can come with me."

"But Loonie-"

"No, Stolas needs you. Go."

Blitzø smiled and placed his hand on top of his daughters, nodding. Quickly, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona got out of the van and watched as Blitzø drove off with a trail of dust behind him.

He felt several emotions creeping up his spine as he drove, mostly anxiety and anger. He was furious that Striker found it acceptable to kidnap HIS boyfriend with the very obvious intent to harm and kill him. He felt himself gripping the wheel tighter, his breathing picking up the pace.

"Hang on, Stolas, I'm coming," he said, flooring the gas pedal.

Meanwhile, Stolas lied on the ground whimpering in pain. Striker had disappeared somewhere, leaving him alone to think. Was anyone coming to get him? What if he didn't make it out of this? What would happen to Via? How would Blitzø react?

To say that he wasn't scared would be a lie, he was terrified. He hated feeling helpless, and how he wished that he could turn the tables on his ex-wife. This was an obvious plot of hers to be rid of him, and perhaps she was finally going to get her way.

He groaned as he felt a kick to the side of his head, Striker had returned. This was the end, wasn't it? Nobody was coming for him. And despite the fact that Striker had stopped his attempt to kill him due to a mere request from Stella, he still had the massive intent to torture the bird. Stolas gradually began to accept the fact that he might die here, until the revving of an engine was heard followed by a loud crash.

The sliding door to the van opened, revealing Blitzø with a shotgun pointed directly at Striker. He managed to get one shot to hit the cowboy, but unfortunately it wasn't lethal.

Striker snarled and dodged the second shot, diving behind some randomly trash he had lying about.

"Blitzy!" Stolas yelled, a wide smile on his face as tears streamed down his cheeks. Blitzø came to rescue him.

The imp quickly made his way over to Stolas, attempting to undo the bindings until he was shot himself. Blitzø hissed in pain before turning around and firing once more at Striker.

"Well, well, well, didn't think ya'd actually come tah save your little bird friend," Striker taunted as he held his own gun up to Blitzø.

Blitzø snarled at the cowboy, wanting nothing more than to watch his lifeless body hit the ground as his blood painted the walls. Stolas was hurt, badly hurt, and he wasn't going to let Striker get away with it.

Stolas watched as the two fought, injuries being inflicted on both sides, though it seemed Blitzø was winning. But as Blitzø had shot Striker's statue at the bottom, causing it to fall, Stolas realized too late that darkness began clouding his vision.

Blitzø got up with shaky arms and legs, limping his way over to the crumbled statue. Striker had fled. He cursed a bit under his breath before looking over to where Stolas lied, panicking when he noticed that he wasn't moving.

Quickly, the imp rushed over to his lover and shook his shoulders. "Stolas!" Unresponsive. "Damnit!" He picked the bird up as best he could, bringing him over to his car and gently putting him in the backseat. He needed to get him to a hospital, now.


Moxxie and Millie stood by Loona's side to support her. They were both beat up a tad bit, but it was nothing they couldn't handle, and they were happy to see their boss's car coming towards them. But their smiles faltered when they saw doctors rushing out and wheeling Stolas away.

Blitzø hopped out of the driver's seat in an attempt to follow his lover inside, but the crowd wouldn't let him through, and the other two imps had a strong hold on him.

"What happened?" Moxxie asked.

"Are you okay?" Millie added.

Blitzø's legs shook as they struggled to hold his weight, and eventually he collapsed too. He was still conscious and responsive, so he just told them to bring him and Loona home so they could rest up. Moxxie and Millie did as they were told.


The night dragged on as Stolas lay awake in the hospital bed. Via had come to visit him earlier and left not that long ago. Now he just wished that he could see Blitzø, the very imp that quite possibly saved his life.

He was close to accepting that Blitzø wouldn't even text him to check on him, until he heard the window to his room slide open and an all too familiar imp crawl through it.

"Blitzy!" He said excitedly. Blitzø smiled at the bird as he walked over, sitting on the bed next to him. 

"Hey Stolas, how're ya feelin'?" He asked, gently placing his hand on top of Stolas'.

Stolas smiled, "I'm alright. I've been drugged up with pain killers as soon as I got here. Via came to visit earlier and brought me those beautiful black roses that she saw at her favorite store."

Blitzø looked over at the flowers that sat in a clear vase next to the bed. He was right, they really were beautiful. Though he was mainly here to make sure that Stolas was okay, not to have the conversation shifted to flowers just yet. Before Blitzø could open his mouth to say another word, Stolas interrupted.

"Are you alright, Blitzy? I know you got pretty hurt back there." Concern was laced in his voice, causing Blitzø to avert his eyes away from his lovers. It was a habit he picked up a long time ago whenever someone asked a question about his personal life or his health.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm not the one laying in a hospital bed."

Stolas chuckled, "I suppose you're right." They were silent for a moment before Stolas spoke again. "Thank you for saving me, Blitzø."

Blitzø looked back at Stolas' eyes, giving a small smile before pressing his lips to the bird's forehead, "anytime, but don't make this a common thing."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

They sat there for what seemed like ages, talking and enjoying each other's presence. Blitzø even brought Stolas a single Arabian Night Dahlia, Stolas' favorite flower. Though Blitzø couldn't stay long, as he had to leave to get ready for work the next morning. 

Stolas watched as Blitzø crawled back through the window and disappeared into the night, cradling the flower close for a moment before placing it in the vase with the roses, enabling it to be the flower that was the closest to him. He got comfortable once more as he lied down, smiling at the flower one final time before his eyes fluttered shut into a peaceful sleep.

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