update!!! 🏛🌱

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I'm sorry I've been on a huge hiatus at the moment, I've been swarmed with school. This week is interim week, plus I need to study from a few tests this week. (And let me not speak about the homework) but just the natural everyday struggles of school.

My hiatus will continue until I start my first break at least, or perhaps the week before that depending on what I have going on the week.

〇 What's the next chapter of this book?

-。I was thinking of smut out of boredom. But I think I might want to go down a more angst route or maybe I'll start short little stories that lead up to the angst chapters.

〇 How many chapters will there be?
-。No more than at least 10-20 since there are few things I want to do for this book.

〇 Will I do any follow ups to this?
-。At the moment no, I have no other plans after this book.

〇 Any stories being updated more after this?
-。My Leovil oneshots and my ruikssa oneshots are the plan, but I might do wriolette, malleus x cater, and other vampire au's with different ships.

I don't think there is anything else I can say so yeah!😋

Again, I'm so sorry for my absence, I hope I won't be gone too long but we'll see what school has in store 🤠

ainu 🍃

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