C10. Children, are brats.

240 4 11


"Be right there!"



"I said I'm coming!"

Kaveh swiftly moved from his work bench to the door, "Maybe you should open the door instead of yelling at the person on the other side, Haitham." The blonde remarked as his partner sat still reading his book on the couch. "Who is..."
Kaveh could tell who it was, from the blonde locks that castes down her shoulder, the same shade as his, their eyes emerald green. "Fischl...?"
"Ciao, fratello, sono tornato..."

His sorella had finely come back after years, the last he had seen her he was only 9 years old. After a while, their mother divorced her father, he soon took her to Mondstat for business ventures after said divorce. Kaveh never saw her ever again until today.
(Alright there be a lot of Italian in this but just bare with me I will translate it by the end of the whole section.)

"Sei...qui, piccolo pezzo di merda!" Kaveh took his sibling into a warm embrace, "Mi sei mancato, Kaveh." The shorter one slowly patted his back, it seemed like it'd be such a emotional day. "Cosa stai facendo qui? Pensavo che vivessi a Mondstat? Hai viaggiato fin qui senza nessun fottuto tutore?" Kaveh couldn't help but ridicule, clearly his big brother senses were turning on. "No, Kaveh, ho ricevuto aiuto da un amico. La Prinzessin der Verurteilung ha sempre l'aiuto degli amici, Oz!" The lady called the bird to her side, "Davvero, un uccello? Pensavo che potevi fare di meglio..." Her brother sighed, gesturing his hands to let the younger in. "La tua casa è meravigliosa! Da quanto tempo vivi qui?" Fiscal looked around astonished at the sights within the home. "Non molto tempo, e non è esattamente..."

"Non esattamente cosa?"

"Kaveh, who did you invite in? And what are you saying?" A grey haired male was now entering the room, he obviously looked annoyed with Kaveh which did not sit right with Fischl. "Chi sei? e cosa sei per mio fratello?" She said popping up right in front of Kaveh, "Rilassati, Fischl, è il mio coinquilino..." Assured her brother as he patted her head. "Sorry, Haitham, she's not much of a English speaker. She was taught Italian at my mother's house before she moved to Mondstat."

"That's wonderful. But I didn't ask allat...Who is she? And why is she acting like she has rabies or something?" Alhaitham being Alhaitham just spluttered out randomly, "Alhaitham! This is my sister, Fischl!"
"Oh. Well, does that mean all "blondes" have rabies?"

I would have written more but like I'm tired and like ye


Ciao, fratello, sono tornato...- Hello brother, I'm back...

Sei...qui, piccolo pezzo di merda!- You're...here, you little piece of shit!

Mi sei mancato, Kaveh.- I missed you, Kaveh.

Cosa stai facendo qui? Pensavo che vivessi a Mondstat? Hai viaggiato fin qui senza nessun fottuto tutore?- What are you doing here? I thought you lived in Mondstat? Did you travel this far without any fucking guardian?

No, Kaveh, ho ricevuto aiuto da un amico. La Prinzessin der Verurteilung ha sempre l'aiuto degli amici, Oz!- No, Kaveh, I got help from a friend. The Prinzessin der Verurteilung always has the help of friends, Oz!

Davvero, un uccello? Pensavo che potevi fare di meglio...- Really, a bird? I thought you could do better...

La tua casa è meravigliosa! Da quanto tempo vivi qui?- Your house is wonderful! How long have you been living here?

Non molto tempo, e non è esattamente...- Not long, and it's not exactly...

Chi sei? e cosa sei per mio fratello?- Who are you? and what are you to my brother?

Rilassati, Fischl, è il mio coinquilino...- Relax, Fischl, he's my roommate...

This was all translated by google so I hope it's accurate...

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