Chapter Sixteen
Han and Leia jumped to their feet, and sprang apart. Leia felt guilty, annoyed at herself for feeling that way.
Isolder stalked around the pool and stood in front of Han, his fist raised near Solo's nose. "I am trained in the Hapan martial arts, and I shall make short work of thee, Thou Worthless Corellian."
"How dare you spy on me," Leia hissed out, her guilt dissolving into anger. "You have no right."
"I am defending thy honor, my Beloved!"
"Honor?" Leia spluttered out. "Beloved? Since when do you care anything about honor? Since when do you consider me beloved?"
"I do not wish to see you defile yourself with this low-class malefactor," Isolder stated, never removing his eyes from Han's face. "He is unclean, and you cannot allow yourself to have relations with him."
Han shook his head as he took a step back from the taller man's fist. He looked over at Leia, unsure if he should be amused or offended. "Does he always talk like that? Thee? Thou? Defile? Relations?... Seriously?"
"You have had relations with no less than twelve women since you married me," Leia snarled, aware that there was now a sizable audience. Many of the Hapans had left the ballroom and were now watching, transfixed, at the scene taking place across the shimmering blue pool.
"Tis not the same. The women I have adored lately are all Hapans," Isolder sniffed, waving his clenched fist in Han's general direction. "That one I am certain is unclean. It is against the law, as you are well aware."
"Okay," Han said, getting more than a little miffed at the pompous Prince. "In the past minute you've called me worthless, low-class and a...malefactor? I'll ignore all those insults, 'cuz I've been called worse things, although I gotta admit being called a malefactor is a new one. But that's the second time you've called me unclean. I'll have you know I took a shower after the concert. I ain't unclean, Hutt Slime."
"He is a fool," Isolder said, looking at his seething wife. "If you must relieve your baser desires, then find a suitable Hapan. My mother has certainly offered you some of the finest she owns."
Han blinked, taken aback, trying to comprehend what he was hearing. "His mother owns people? As in slaves?" The Leia he knew and loved would never have considered aligning herself with slavers, not even for the most righteous cause.
"They are not slaves, you miscreant," Isolder deigned to reply directly to Han. "They are all well-paid and well-cared for concubines." He turned his haughtly gaze back to his wife. "If this Corsucanti Labels agrees to sell this reprobate to my mother, she may eventually share him with you, much later. After she becomes bored with him."
So the Queen Mother must have confided in her son her desire to purchase Evin Daysun, Leia thought darkly. "Evin is not for sale, at any price," Leia said, shaking her head in disgust. The longer she lived with them, the more the Royal Hapan family repelled her.
Scratching the back of his neck and frowning in confusion, Han asked, "What?"
Leia looked up at Han. "Queen Filamina asked Lando if she could buy you, for twenty million credits."
Han's eyes widened, then he grinned. "Twenty million? If I'd have had that kinda offer three years ago, I might've sold myself."
"That would not be a surprise to anyone, you Corellian gigolo," Isolder said, folding his arms across his chest. He gazed down at his petite wife. "I should never have agreed to marry someone as beneath my station as you have proven yourself to be."
Fame and Fortune
أدب الهواةFor a short while after the Battle of Endor, Han Solo thought his life was finally going to be wonderful. Then he finds out the carbonite is slowly killing him, and the woman he loves is sacrificing their love and happiness for the New Republic. I...