In the heart of New York City on a chilly autumn day stood an iconic brick apartment building painted white as if mirroring its inhabitants' innocent lives residing within it - particularly two teenagers named Alex and Ashley.
Alex was huddled up inside his designated space- which he fondly referred to as 'the sanctuary'. Cradling an old guitar against his chest-the same one given by grandpa years ago- he strummed chords aimlessly. The room was filled with a symphony of unspoken emotions that he couldn't express verbally but in music.
On the other side of the apartment, Ashley sat cross-legged on her bed, squinting at her poetry book. She chewed on her pencil's end as she struggled to find words for a poem about love- a feeling she only experienced around one person - Alex.
Serenades Of Love
Teen FictionAlex and Ashley are stuck in a place where they love each other but can't confess it. But when they do realise that they can't live without each other, it becomes a world full of pain and sacrifice. Read the full story to know what happens next! The...