What Lies Beneath 9-10

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Part 9

"I don't like it. There is some girl there that's always trying to kiss me." This made Sav laugh and he nearly choked on the milk he was drinking.

"Well, just see to it that she doesn't. I don't want my boy kissing girls yet." Tyler made a face and took a bite of chicken.

"And here I was about to ask Tyler if he had any girlfriends yet." Joe said with a slight slur smiling at Tyler.

"You talk funny Uncle Joe." Tyler said laughing.

Victoria held her breath wondering if Joe would get mad but he just laughed winking at Tyler.

"That's just my way of trying to make you laugh Tyler." Ruffling Tyler's hair he finished his drink and took his last bite of chicken.

Paige noted Tyler yawning and smiled at her son lovingly. "Okay Tyler, time for bed. Take your plate in the kitchen then go upstairs and get into your pj's and brush your teeth. I'll be up to tuck you in."

"Awe Mommy. Can't I stay up a little longer?" Tyler asked trying to stifle a yawn.

"Nothing doing little man. You have preschool tomorrow. Go on up and I'll read you a bedtime story."

"Okay Mommy." Tyler kissed Paige goodnight then Sav then gave his Uncle Joe a hug and Victoria.

"Goodnight Tyler. Sleep tight." Joe said tickling him.

"I'll help you with the dishes Paige." Paige shook her head.

Part 10

"No, that's alright. Sav here can help me. Right Sav honey?" Paige winked.

"Yes luv." Sav stood taking Joe and Victoria's plate from them and walked with Paige to the kitchen.

"Do you think they're okay Sav? Victoria seemed distant. So did Joe." Handing him a dish she reached for the next one with a worried expression shadowing her pretty features.

"They just had an argument Paige. We have arguments too. All married couples do. Joe assured me things are fine so don't go stirring up anything. It's not our business."

"I realize that Sav. I am just being a concerned friend." Sav kissed her lips and smiled.

"And you are a very good friend but they will work whatever is going on out between them. It's not our place to get involved."

After finishing the dishes Paige went upstairs to tuck Tyler in and Sav went to the living room to talk with Joe and Victoria.

"So Joe, you up for a little jam session while Paige and Victoria do the girl talk thing?" Sav chuckled sitting down in the wing chair next to the fireplace.

"Not tonight mate. I'm really beat. Besides Victoria has early meetings but I will be over in the afternoon like we planned to rehearse." Joe stood holding out his hand to Victoria.

"Okay Joe. Drive carefully and I'll see you tomorrow." Sav walked with them to the door giving Victoria a hug.

"Take care of this old man. For some reason Phil has it in his head that the fans won't come listen to us without him." Joe sneered at him but a playful smile spread across his lips.

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