What Lies Beneath 47-48

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*Language, Violence*


"Can we just go home? Please Joe." Joe nodded.

"Yes, we'll go home." Joe bid Rick, Viv and Phil goodbye and waved to Sav and Paige as he took Victoria to the car.

"Why did they leave so suddenly Sav? What's going on?" Phil asked as Sav came out of the house watching Joe and Victoria pull away.

"Our buddy Joe has been beating his wife Phil. That's what's going on." Sav felt his temper flaring as Joe's car disappeared over the horizon and he could only pray that Joe didn't find out about her talking to them.

"What the fuck?" Phil asked looking at Sav. "Joe's been hitting Victoria? My god. That bastard. Why did you let her leave with him?" Phil yelled.

"I didn't Phil but I couldn't force her to stay now could I?" Sav said yelling back.

Joe silently pulled the car into the garage of their home and looked at Victoria with cold emotionless eyes. "So, how are you feeling now Victoria? I can't imagine that it was anything you ate since we hadn't had lunch yet and I know you didn't say anything to Sav and Paige since I told you what would happen if you did, so what is it?" Staring straight ahead, he waited for her answer.

"I....I have a headache." Victoria said unable to think of any other lie.

"Well, I guess you better go lie down then." Joe turned off the engine and got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side to open Victoria's door.

She sat there for a moment not sure if she should move. "Get the fuck out of the car." Joe demanded calmly.


Joe placed his hand on her back as they walked up to the house and dropped it as he pulled out his keys to unlock the door. Victoria stepped inside and jumped when Joe slammed the door shut, cringing when she heard the sound of the deadbolt sliding into place.

Joe was being so calm it scared Victoria. Joe went into the living room and poured himself a whiskey. Downing it in one gulp, he turned to Victoria looking at her as he poured himself another and drank that.

"You know, you really fucking embarrassed me. You embarrassed me in front of Viv, Phil and their kids. I don't know what the fuck you told Sav and Paige but they looked awfully suspicious. You made me look like a complete ass. How am I supposed to feel about that? I hate being played a fool Victoria and that's exactly what you did. You made me a complete fool."

Joe slammed the glass down on the bar, not caring that it shattered and the broken glass sliced into his hand. He looked at the glass and and pulled a sliver of it from his palm. He looked up at Victoria with rage in his eyes.

"See what you made me do?" Joe said holding up his palm. He walked up to her and grabbed a handful of hair pulling hard on it until she was forced to look up at him.

"What in the fuck did you tell Paige and Sav? You fucking lie to me and I WILL make you sorry." Joe promised leering at her.

Victoria sobbed desperately wishing she had stayed at Sav and Paige's but he would only come for her anyway.

"You've got three fucking seconds to answer me Victoria? What the fuck did you tell them?" Pulling harder on her hair he grabbed her throat with his free hand and slammed her against the wall and held her firmly in place.

She clawed desperately at his hand and looked into his green eyes pleading with him silently to let her go. Seeing her face turning red, he dropped his hand from her throat but held her in place by her hair.

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