What Lies Beneath 37-38

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~Adult Content, Language~

Paige still wasn't sure but decided that it would be best to change the subject. "I have some news to tell you but you have to promise not to tell Joe just yet. Sav wants to tell him, himself." Paige pleaded, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"I promise. What is it Paige?" Victoria asked her curiosity up.

"Well, we're not telling many people yet but since you're my friend I will let you in on it. I'm pregnant."

"That's so great Paige. I'll bet Sav is excited." Paige nodded.

"Yes, he's really very sweet. He insists on doing everything for me and won't let me do a thing by myself. Frankly it's driving me insane but I love him for trying so hard."

Victoria giggled trying to picture Sav doing housework.

"That's so great Paige. Have you told his mum yet?"

"We're going to do that tonight. We also want to have a barbeque in the next couple of weeks so we can tell all of you together so you have to keep quiet about it until then."

Victoria smiled. "Don't worry; I won't spoil your surprise." The door shut and Victoria looked up to see Joe standing in the doorway grinning.

"What are you ladies up to? Not talking about me I hope." Joe said looking at Victoria knowingly.

"We do have better things to do than talk about you Joe." Paige smarted standing up.


"I think I hear Sav calling you Paige." Joe retorted.

"I'm going, I'm going." Paige hugged her friend and whispered into her ear.

"Come talk to me when you're ready." Paige hugged Joe and then left, shutting the door behind her.

Joe's smile faded and he stared icily at Victoria. "So what did you tell her Victoria?"

Victoria gulped in sudden fear and she looked away from Joe. "I didn't tell her anything Joe." Joe grabbed her hand squeezing it hard and pulled her within inches of his face.

"See that you don't." He warned then his expression softened and his smile returned.

"So, is dinner about done? I'm famished." Patting his stomach he went to the bar and poured himself a drink.

"Yes, dinner will be done in about ten minutes." Joe downed his drink and immediately poured himself another.

Dinner was eaten in silence and Victoria cleaned up the kitchen while Joe sat in front of the television watching a soccer game.

The next two weeks went by in slow motion but thankfully Joe hadn't lost his temper lately and Victoria had hopes that things would begin improving. Victoria tried keeping her work schedule at a normal pace, more for Joe rather than her. The last thing she wanted was for him to take his anger out on her.

Tuesday rolled around and it was the day of the barbeque when Paige and Sav were to deliver their good news. Joe still drank but for the most part, he seemed to be slowing down or so she thought.

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