Chapter 1.

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Sasha is a 16 year old girl in a big town called Foxhill witch has lots of people. Sasha is the type of person who likes to take walked when she is stressed or tense, moats or the time it is because of her dad making her mad of infuriated. They got into a fight bout everything. When I say everything I mean everything. They could get into a fight about what colour shirt she was wearing! As you can tell Sasha and her dad didn't get along very well. She spends moats of her time in the Carn lonely forest crying because of her dad shouting at her all the time. Shades had to call her mother (Kate) Misses James and had to call her dad Mr James instead of mother or dad. Kate got the name James from Mr James when they got married 20 years ago. Ever since Sasha was born her life was bound to be a living nightmare. And she was only 16.

One dreadfully wet soggy day, Sasha came back from school in St Columns ( I made it up ). She came back knowing that her dad was going to yell at her for something but she didn't know what. What's my hair too dark? No too simple. Maybe I look pail? Ye. He might do that. Or just maybe he is happy? No that would never happen. She started looking around feeling un-easy. She heard foot steps. Someone was following her. That person said hi in a friendly manner but also in a I-wish-I-could-kill-her tone of voice as-well.

Sasha looked behind her with curiosity. It was her friend from class A-9, Coal Slash. Coal had raven black hair that seemed blue in the sun. And he also had bright blue eyes. Coal normally went home at the first stop but instead he followed her. Sasha decided to take a root that went into the forest. Sasha remembered that there was a shack in the woods that she could hide in. A minute later she got to the shack and ran in.

She could see the boxes in a pile and another two boxes in a pile. She hid behind the two boxer. But the thing was even if she wanted to move she could have been seen. Suddenly the old squeaky door swung open by Coal thrusting the door open. "Where are you?" Coal shouted. Sasha stayed quiet and but still but wanting to cry.

"Sasha I know your in here just come to me and you will be all fine!". Sasha knew that she wouldn't be fine if she moves out of her hiding spot. Then there was crashing and thumping sounds made by objects falling and smashing onto different thing including her boxs that she was hiding behind of. Sasha started to cry in horror and she covered her mouth so Coal couldn't hear her shuddering in fear while the crashing was getting louder and louder. By the time she could hear herself crying the crashing and shattering sound got louder and louder.

The next second then was no more crashing. Only Coals heavy and deep angry breaths filling the room. He knew where she was. He stepped to words the three boxes. He grabbed a gun out of his side pocket in his blazer. He started to shoot the boxes. But he could hear no screaming. Not one single word that someone was in pain. He shoved the boxes aside and seen nothing. There was no Sasha no human not a single person.(Sasha was in two boxes). Coal let out a blood-curtailing scream. It sounded something out a nightmare. Sasha pinched herself to see if it really was a dream. But no. It felt like she just hit her arm as hard as she could. She still remained behind the two boxes.

Two hours had passed(witch felt like three) and the heavy breathing started to fade."it was your time but now it has taken mine" Coal said while gasping for air. There was a gurgling sound that came from Coal. There was white foam coming and expanding from his mouth. Then he stoped breathing. Sasha didn't know if she should come out or not. Then she remembered that her parents where having a family meeting and she was meant to be there hours ago! She got out behind the two boxes and dashed towards the door and by the time she ran out of breath she was home. She entered the house. Close was her mother in a red silky dress. Kate realised that Sasha was back. Kate with a rushed voice said "I need to touch up my makeup I'll be back soon". Sasha looked at her dad behind her mother. Anyone with a mind could tell that he was drunk. "Can you get Sasha while you're at it?" Sasha was a bit confused at what he said but then her mother whispered to her "I told Mr James that you where in your room doing your homework then you would do your makeup after." Sasha wasn't listening to a word she said. All she could her was the men in the living rooms saying they where going to get "them" and going to kill "them at midnight". But the question is who is "them"?

Kate grabbed Sasha's hand firmly and then carefully walked up the stairs. Then Kate dragged Sasha into her room then got out the makeup that her mother never let her used. Ever. She started applying the makeup onto Sasha. Sasha had never worn makeup before so this was kinda fun for her. After Kate had finished she asked if Sasha liked it. Sasha looked into the mirror and her eyes lit up. She looked astonishing. She gave her mother a big smile and said she looked grate. Kate have a little smile then she turned sad. "Ye you do hunny" she said in a sad voice. Kate walked to the closet on the left side of the bed. She pulled out a silky scarlet red dress. It looked just like Kates dress but smaller and a bit more kid friendly. It still had a zip at the back but is was a bit darker than Kates one. Sasha looked at her mother. She was looking at the dress with guilt. "Are you ok miss.James?" Asked Sasha. Kate looked at herwith tears in her eyes and said "just call me mum... just one time please" . I'm Kate looked at Sasha with pity so she would do it. "Yes mum I can call you that if you want." Kate passed the silk scarlet red dress to Sasha ant told her to put it on. Sasha put it on then Sasha heard Kate whisper under her breath "you look just like her.." Sasha was confused who "them" and "her" is. "Miss James who is she and them?" Kate didn't reply she just grabbed her golden bracelet and twisted the silver ball. " your too young to know" "I'm not too young nything I'm 16 and I should know" shouted Sasha. "You are too young to know anything" screamed Kate. Sasha had never heard her scream before. Kate looked at her and said sorry.

It had already been 30 minutes so they hurried down stairs and at the bottom of the stairs was Mir James. You weren't in your room were you?. Kate flinched at the sight of him. He had a bloody nose and a black eye. All the people at the party had left. Mir James grabbed Sasha's arm and screamed "you weren't in your room where you?" Sasha was horrified. Kate looked at Sasha. She knew Sasha was too young but she knew he was going to do it. Mir James let go of Sasha. Sasha screamed at him saying he was the worst dad ever. Mir James screamed as loud as he could "get out!". Sasha walked toward the door and opened it violently. "What have you done to them?" Sasha was pretending like she knew who "they" where. She dashed out the door. When she looked back she could see Kate slapping Mir James across the face. Sasha wished that her mother could get away from him like she can but that would never happen.

A couple of minutes in she could see the shack but she decided not to go in the shack. Because he might be there. So instead she walked past the shack at continued walking instead. It was starting to get cold really fast. Sasha was used to the cold because she only had thin blankets at home and her dad would never buy her a new one. The trees where getting taller and taller and she seemed mor smaller. By the time it was 4 in the morning all the trees seemed to be sixty times her high. She knew her dad would be worried even though he was heartless and cruel. So Sasha turned around and started to walk home. The trees started to turn smaller very quick. When she was walking up it took some time for the trees to get taller. By the time she was at the shack the trees where no bigger than the shack. She continued to walk home feeling uneasy about the surroundings around her. She was at the edge of the forest
when she realised that her house looked strange. There was a pine tree that had pines in it. But the thing was her pine tree didn't grow pines fore some reason. So she was wondered... what happened?

Sorry for the long chapter .• > •.  Ü Ö Ä ŵ ß

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