Chapter .7

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Sasha woke up with a bunch of her grape purple hair covering her face. She then rolled over and stretched out her arms and legs and laid there not wanting to get up. Sasha's vision went back to Norman and she sat up then scanned the room noticing something. She couldn't see any of her body parts well faintly but if she was running you wouldn't notice her right in-front of her.

She then got up and slowly opens the door trying to not make a noise. Sasha was Originally going to go to Zain's room but the door was gone. All that was there was a picture. There also was paintings of people. But the one which was on put on zains door kind of looked like him...well...he was a prince with a child that kid of looked like grace when she was younger. Sasha walked up to the painting. The little girl looked like she was trying to grab something but also looked like she wanted to hold something.

Sasha reached out her had to the painting and rested her hand on the girls hand. Suddenly Sasha's hand was sparkling at her hand was going into the painting and holding the girls hand whitch make the painting move a bit. The little girls cheeks inflated and a tint of red went on them.

Sasha shot up from her bed, her heart pumped and she breathed heavily. It was a dream? But the painting and all the things was too real? Sasha got out of her bed not bothering to move the hair out of her mouth. She opens the door. There was a new painting near all the others. But not on Zain's door. It was the same painting but the little girl was an adult and it looked the boy and the girl were married. The boy also looked like Zain. But Sasha shook it off as a coincidence...right?

Sasha headed downstairs and seen nobody or thing. Everything was gone. All that was left was dust and paint peels on the floor from the walls. Where were they?

"Zain! Zain! Where are you? Zain...please.."

Sasha then kneeled on the floor and started to cry.
"Where are you.."

Sasha stood up knees shaking and tried to see if he was in the house. After an hour of looking she gave up. Sasha walked out to the outside of the house and pushed her back up to the brick wall feeling desperate at this point.

Suddenly the wall fell back and she was in the sky falling into a random place. It wasn't any old place but it looked like something out of a fairy tale with dragons and pretty young princesses and princes. Sasha's fall didn't gain stepped but felt like the gravity was fairing the closer she got. Sasha's eyes suddenly started to close softly like she was going to sleep.

Sasha jolted up gasping of air and her surroundings looked...well roil. There was gold everywhere and pictures of kings and queens but the thing was Sasha was a child! She looked at her hair. Chocolate brown hair. Like the hair she had when she was younger. And looked like the girl from the painting.

"You there child! Where did you come from?" An old man said with passion in his voice and also looked like a king.

"O sir I'm sorry I didn't mean to be a nuisance to you! I just well..fell out of the sky..?" Sasha said.

"What's your name child?" The king figure said

"My names Sasha. I'm guessing that you're the king? I don't mean that in a mean way." Sasha said not wanting to rial up the kind and get exacted.

"Hello there Sasha my names king James and my son behind me is price Zain. I normally call him zinny when he gets mad because his hair looks like it zaps and zap sound like zin.

Sasha just looked at him and he looked back at her. It was him! Sasha got up and brushed the dirt off her dress.

"If you want you can sleep here in the palace until we find your parents."

Sasha looked at the floor, eyes dropping her emotionless mouth sand into something that make Zain feel sorry for her.

"I don't think they will be in this time.."

James's eyes widened and heart started to beat rapidly. Even though they met less than an hour he felt bad for her.

"Ok you can stay here but you won't get the title or the crown unless you marry into the family. And you shall not have sex in this castle unless it is Zain or any royalty who is no more then 12 years older or 10 years younger. Do you get that?"

"Yes I do." Sasha said with a bit of pure red blush on her cheeks and so did Zain. Why did the king keep talk about her and Zain having sex or getting marrying into their blood line of royalty?

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