thank you to my man 😘

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Kyle's POV:

"Oh my God you guys are so gay I'm posting this video of your little actions in the closet. I literally watched the whole thing and filmed it. I'm posting it on my favorite website! I think you guys got the clues on what it is." Cartman said as he was laughing on the ground, literally on his knees, while his brown pants got all white from the stuff spilling out of the closet.
"Cartman what the actual fuck! We were just making cupcakes, and the batter exploded now we have lots of white cream all over. Nothing to worry about. We weren't doing anything sus." I started rubbing the back of my neck with my middle finger and my red hair got all dirty.
    I needed to take a shower in the locker room and clean up this huge mess before the janitor came. We were already busted. It's too bad for us.
Later that day we found the video and everyone knew we were gay. It was pretty bad because my parents were kind of homophobic if you know what I mean, not badly, but they just didn't really understand the gay pride. I feel like they were just, well, out of our league if you know what I mean. anyways, I got home that day and got grounded for a whole week which was pretty bad because Clyde's party was super soon so I had to sneak out of my room at night. I couldn't get there as soon as I could, but they expect me not to come, so it's better than nothing.
Stan had the same problem. His parents were a bit mad, but they only grounded him for four days because they were used to the gay pride. Randy and Gerald had some fun times. Well my dad should know, but he was a bit high and drunk and all those things that make you forget about yourself and your past memories. He blacked out all night and the next day he couldn't even remember the fun times they had under the sheets.

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