Midnight Run_10

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  Wind rips away at his rosy cheeks, his breath standing out from the air. His feet steady as they carry him down the street, past his old high school. He hadn't expected to be missing the halls and his games so soon, he missed the cheers of all his friends who'd seemingly disappeared after graduation. Austin wasn't one for tears and was raised to be tough hearted but he really did feel like an absolute child. A lost little boy, stuck without guidance. He had no plans for college, no job, no where to move out so he could start 'his own life' like his family had begun insinuating before. He sat down on the familiar dried out grass and sunk his head. He'd never snuck out before without telling his parents, or even Arizona, but he had also never felt this hurt or angry before. Why was he so angry? What had happened to him over the day's events that he'd be so explosive? Austin couldn't find an answer no matter how hard he searched. His phone lit up through his sweatpants pocket as he cleared so wimpy formed tears. An unknown number was calling him but they were from Missouri so he figured it wouldn't be Telemarketers. "Hello?" He asked in a shattered tone, clearing his throat quickly.

  "Hello son, is this Austin?"

  "Malorie? How'd you get my number?"

  "Tyler gave it to me. Hey, we had a...." A good few seconds distanced her sentence and this grew Austin's worry, "well, we had a little bit of 'n incident. But I need you to be with Tyler right now; Is there a way you'd like to get here? I can pick y'ah up if you need."

  "Yeah, sure! Okay." The question was completely off-guard. Malorie asking him to stay at the ranch for a bit with Tyler at 11:48 at night, at least that's what his watch said. "How far is your house from the high school?"

  "Bout 10 miles, I'll come get'cha."

  "No, no, it's fine! 10 miles, about a mile per minute... I'll be there in 15-20 minutes!"

  "Okay, we'll see you soon, sweetheart."

  The phone screen gradually changed from green to red as the call ended. He slid his phone back into the deep pocket and began running at a steady pace, most likely as fast as a car going 8mph he did this until about Aid Street, a road that leads out to the countryside. Did he know where he was going? No. Not in the slightest. But for only being 20 miles away, it's got to be out this way because all the farm land is out past Aid Street. He picked up the pace to about a car's easy 12mph as his chest finally began to burn slightly. His breathing was calm and controlled as his eyes searched for the familiar structures. Blue houses, Green houses with white trimmings, black houses with the stereotypical red barn he'd been looking for, then finally; The light blue house with a red barn branching off to several different pens. A  sheep pen, a pig pen, a cow pen, and a horse pen. This time he knew who Jackson was, and he was terrified. There was a bullet wound through Jackson's chest and the contents seeped onto the lucious grass below. His head lay limp on the ground as his eyes stare above and his mouth stuck ajar. Who would do this to such a loving creature?

  "It's best not to look at him, Hun. It'll only be more of an attachment." Malorie warned Austin, her eyes puffy and red.

  "Are you okay? What happened? Did someone get onto the farm?"

  "No. Sweety, do you remember when I said Jackson didn't have long and wouldn't last the week?"


  "He refused to eat anything this morning and he wouldn't stop standing even as he swayed almost to the point of falling over anyway. The poor beast even tried to break his own neck by jumping upside down but it didn't work." She took a pause to catch her hitched breath, "I sent Tyler to come find you and have a nice day, knowing he'd only be gone until noon maybe. Then I told 'im to run groceries and buy himself something nice since we've got the money this week. That only kept him out till 3. Then one of his friends called and wanted to go bowling which thankfully kept him out till 'bout 9. By then I was holding the barrel up to get his head and make it quick but Tyler pulled in'o the driveway.. and his poor eyes." Malorie shoved her long nailed fingers into her eyes to stop the tears. She sniffled before continuing, "and his eyes just connected to dots right away. He ran out the car, took the gun and went to throw it... But'ta, well, apparently it was time for God to call his creation home. The gun went off in Tyler's hand, cut his fingers but he didn't seem to notice, and Jackson fell into death's arms." She finished, looking back at the house for Tyler's wondering eyes, this factor completely missing. "Let's get you inside so you don't freeze, I'll need your help lifting him into the trailer but that's 'bout it." She admitted weakly. Austin guided Malorie into the house and immediately saw Charlie in a calm clicking rocker beside the window.

  "Is he upstairs?" Austin asked timidly, realizing the severity of this situation. Malorie responded with a silent nod before tying her hair back and finding a large flashlight. "Thank you, Malorie."

  He watched as Malorie left once again before glancing up the stairs. Was he really in Tyler Evans' house? He'd only been in physical contact with him for a week at most throughout his entire high school career. Was he being selfish for being this involved with Tyler and his family? He should be training but instead he's busy being a mistake to his family. And he was still jobless! What would he do if his parents kicked him out? He'd starve on the streets. He'd loose any hopes of going to a university. The entire time that Austin was imprisoned in his mind, he was sneakily headed up the wooden stairs. He got to the top stair when he heard a familiar sniffling that stopped his interrogative thoughts. Tyler was covered in his heavy blanket but was shivering as if he had hypothermia. His room was dark but Austin could see with the little light provided from Malorie's room.

  "Tyler, do you want to talk about it?" What else was he supposed to say? Austin wasn't the type of guy for this job. As he sat down beside Tyler, Austin saw his eyes locked open, irrationally tracing the wall; The image of Jackson's final moments clear on his face. "Do you want some water?" He continued, reaching for the blanket top. Tyler wouldn't talk, he wouldn't even look at Austin. He looked so frail and traumatized. He probably would not eat either, maybe not even sleep. Austin gave up quickly on trying to remove the blanket, in fact he gave up on Tyler speaking. Should he have? No. But was it the only thing he knew to do in the situation? Yes. Austin began to stand up when rapid breathing increased and the hand-crafted bed swayed quickly. Tyler, understanding Austin had given up out of frustration but not knowing by ,Austin, himself or by Tyler, whipped around and latches onto Austin's waist. Pulling him back into sitting on the bed before he looked at his hand with tears yet again. Only a monster's hands would so easily grab something or someone that quickly.

  "Sorry." Tyler ushered, his voice raspy and broken. "I didn't know the gun–"

  "--I know. You were just trying to calm the situation, I get it." Austin cut over. It wasn't that he didn't want to or have time to hear Tyler's voice and story; Austin simply couldn't stand hearing his tone, a broken man thinking himself of a monster.

  "You don't understand! I just took it from her hands. I was goin'a throw it but then" Tyler came to a stop as his eyes scavenged Austin's face for any sign of anger or retaliation as Austin's hands focus his head forward.

  "But then what?"

  "Then my hand must've hit the trigger and.." Tyler wouldn't finish his sentence. Not yet, at least. It was too much to admit.

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