Busted pt:3

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Nocturnix could only feel eyes on her as she could hear some of the other rulers comment on her line and plan of action, the Barbarian King whistled at the sight of the two facing off. "Bat prince and assassin are good" the Barbarian king said as he looked towards the two black covered figures face off, only standing in a wave of thier own silence as they stared at each other "Yeah, and they fight pretty well too" the Barbarian princess said as her father gave her a confused expression on what she meant by that, but it was also a mixture of disgust since Nocturnix knew that father's like him were overprotective of thier daughters. She then kept her eyes on Zatz as he also did the same "Stand aside" She hissed walking towards him with a slow and steady pace, she honestly wanted to kick his butt. It's what Maya would have wanted, she gave him a cold glare giving him the intention she wasn't going to be backing down "No, the only one who should be standing aside is you, Moon boy" she hissed in a cold tone, her glare was harsh and and held the fire of a never ending fire. She knew this was risky fighting him for any probably he would reveal her indentity to the people of Teca including the other kingdoms as well, this would cause panic and havock amongst the others of they ever knew a god was living in secrecy Inside of Teca's own palace walls. Nocturnix wasn't going to go easy on him after the threats he's made, she wasn't going to let him take Maya And boy she wasn't going to let him threaten anyone else. "I do not wish to fight you" don't get her wrong she understood why he didn't want to fight, he had to deal with the Teca prince's and thier cockiness. "If you didn't want to fight. You could've backed out of the kingdom to avoid it" she said in a harsh but more serious tone before charging at him with her sickles ready.  Zatz saw her movements and acted fast pulling out his sword to make a warning strike to her side only for her to doge it with such casualty and speed as she only stood beside him Unfazed and completely calm of the whole situation, he then turned to his side and made another warning strike to her right shoulder only for a blunt comment and other swift dodge "Slow" she said smugly, Zatz couldn't make a single cut on her cloak no matter how many times he made such warning strikes, he couldn't believe this, he was getting bested by a mere night guard. He then aimed for her left should which was dodged again as she shifted her stance to the left "Sad" she said, Zatz knew he shouldn't let his irritation get the best of him in such a situation like this but it was odd how this night guard was avoiding all his warning strikes with ease, this was a night guard for gods sake. He was trained to know about the proper combat strategies to face enemies like this one, but this felt more than just a mere fight, it was like he was facing so much more than a simple mortal in a cloak. There was something off about her, and he honestly wanted to know why.

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