Chapter 3- Redhooded Man

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The rhythmic ticking of the bomb echoed through Eren's mind, each pulse a countdown to potential annihilation. The world became a distorted panorama, the numbers on the bomb's timer etching themselves into his consciousness like a malevolent mantra. 19...18...17...

A jolt pulled Eren from the hypnotic trance. 14...13... Reality snapped back like an elastic band, but the relentless countdown persisted. Panic surged through him as he grappled with the impending cataclysm. 7...6...5...

Abruptly, a mysterious figure materialized, a savior from the abyss. In a breathless whirlwind, Eren found himself hurtling out of a window, the city lights blurring as a parachute billowed open, guiding them to the ground below. The impact reverberated through his bones as the building behind them detonated, a cacophony of chaos swallowing the night.

The aftermath of the bomb bathed the surroundings in the eerie glow of destruction. The air echoed with distant screams, a symphony of despair.

Yet, amid the wreckage, Eren stood untouched, his mind grappling with the surreal sequence of events. The rescue remained an enigma, a beacon of hope extinguished as the mysterious benefactor vanished into thin air. Eren turned, expecting gratitude on his lips, but all that greeted him was a note fluttering down like a ghostly messenger.

"Dear Eren," it began, the words cryptic and compelling. The note spoke of salvation from Armageddon, an offer of hope in the face of impending doom. A directive pointed towards Apartment 86, Room 104 in the Eastern District Hotel, signed mysteriously as X.

Confusion and curiosity warred within Eren, yet the pull of potential salvation tugged him towards the designated rendezvous. The Eastern District Hotel loomed like a nexus of fate, and as Eren ascended to Room 104, the door swung open to reveal a man shrouded in a red hoodie and black shoes.

"Hi, my name is Xiamen, but everyone calls me X for short," he introduced himself.

Eren reciprocated the greeting, the air thick with uncertainty. As they exchanged pleasantries, X's eyes harbored a knowledge that transcended the ordinary. The truth unfolded in the dimly lit room as X revealed a tale more surreal than any fiction.

According to X, Eren, or rather another version of him from a parallel world, was the harbinger of chaos sent from the world Ragnatash, in other words, "The Other Earth." The other Eren, a malevolent doppelgänger, arrived from Ragnatash—to destroy everything in his path.

Eren, still grappling with disbelief, he though there was no way there was another him and that there is a whole other Earth called Ragnatash, until he found his skepticism tested when X unveiled shocking evidence. Video footage painted a grisly picture of the other Eren on a rampage, leaving a trail of death before the notorious bank robbery.

After a long 3 minutes of silence, Eren finally spoke up and said. "How do we find... me."

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