1: Crash Landing

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It's... been a while. By that I mean several minutes, but probably not an hour. I was still hugging the hourglass that got me to this state, eyes shut. But... it felt sort of anticlimactic. I opened my eyes. The sky was oddly moody. Where was I?

I peered down to take a peek on what was below, but there was a forest that seemed to be not so far away. I wished for a safe landing, but I already knew I was done for. There was possibly no way I would survive.

I shut my eyes once again as I embraced myself. I felt my body slam against branches and leaves. That really hurt. That probably left some scratches. I heard alot of rustling, assumably the leaves on the trees. I kept tumbling down the branches. But a few seconds later, I felt my body splash into some sort of water. I held my breath and opened my eyes. I was alive! Somehow. Before I could celebrate, a hand grabbed my arm. I turn my head to see a purple hand grip tightly onto my arm. I successfully pry it off my arm, and swam up with the hourglass in one arm.

My head popped up to the surface. I scrambled over to the edge and grabbed on, pulling myself up. I let the hourglass down and dropped my hands onto my knees, panting. That was quite a fall. After I gathered myself, I look up. I landed into some creepy forest. Well, now I know where I am to some extent. I pick up the hourglass and examined its features. It was like any other hourglass, but with some fancy handles. Instead of being plain wood, there were two yellow beads and one top hat in the middle.

Huh. That's neat, I guess. But don't know what this does. Hourglasses don't really tell you what time it is, do they?

Unable to get any information from this strange object, I decided to try to explore. There's really no way back up, so I guess I'll have to do with what's down here. I walked onto the path, and followed it. I observed my surroundings as I walked, taking in on the background. There were some creepy nooses, and I could see some spiders crawling on trees. There were also some doll-looking things with one eye. They were all staring at me. Wonder why? Do they not get alot of visitors? If so, I can definitely see why.

I kept on going until I stumbled upon an area filled with tree trunks and stumps. There was a river there, and more of those doll things. I could also see some snake looking creatures with masks. I remember seeing them near the Twilight Bell, but I never knew what they were called.

I snuck my way into the village, not wanting any attention from those... dolls. There seemed to be some trunks with doors, so I assumed they were their houses. I went to the nearest trunk and opened the door. There was nothing inside. I guess this means nobody lives here. I went inside and closed the door. I was expecting nothing but black, but the hourglass seemed to be some source of light. I guess this is my new home! Kind of. It was really empty, and there wasn't alot of space to work with. Sleeping here wouldn't be comfortable, and I don't have any food so far.

I stood up and went outside, deciding to leave the hourglass behind. I needed to find something to substitute as a pillow. I started scanning the village, but there didn't seem to be anything. I suddenly felt like something was watching me. I look up to see one of those one eyed guys look down at me. I jumped, and stood still. I then slowly backed up and spedwalk away, not wanting to interact with it.

I was back on the path. Not wanting to get lost, I followed it until I reached a REALLY huge tree. It had colorful glowing mushrooms growing on it, and it was surrounded by a small body of water. It looked to be hollow, as there was an entranced carved out. I walk up to it and crossed the spiky vine that served as a bridge to it. I entered what looked to be a furnished home. Scanning the room, my eyes landed on some soft looking pillows sitting comfortably in a large armchair.

Those were perfect! Surely whoever's living here won't mind. I walked up to the couch and climbed up. I grabbed all three pillows that were on there. It was perfect! They were normal sized, unlike this huge chair. I skedaddled away before I got caught, treasuring my prize. I ran back to the village and hurried into my new home, and placed down the pillows. I clasped my hands, proud of what I accomplished so far. I sat down to lay on the fluffy pillows. They were perfect!

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