2: Runaway Toilet

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(AN: Sorry for taking a while. Each chapter post will probably be inconsistent)

My eyes shot open as I was sitting back at my tiny home. What was that? Was it a dream? If if I'm back here, did I actually fall asleep instead of looking for food?

I jumped and almost hit my head at the ceiling, as someone was knocking on my door. Unsure of what to do, I decided to speak.

"Uh... who's there?" I say, as the knocking halted.

"Hey! Who's in there?" They ask.

I go crawl over and open the door, to see one of those doll creatures.

"Hey newbie! Boss told me to tell you to get to work! He's been noticing you've been slacking off in your little home," they reported.

"So yeah! Get to work, or we'll have to evict you from this trunk," it said. It then quickly turned to leave.

Work? Oh, I was given a contract earlier. If I remember, it was about finding some toilet. I was about to exit, when I turned my head back when I remembered about the hourglass that I've been hiding. I go back to the pillow it was hidden behind, only to realize it was gone. The pillow looked untouched, so... who could have taken it? They must be real sneaky. But it's not like it was THAT important, hopefully. I turn to the door and went out, and I started my search for the toilet. I take the contract out of my pocket to see that there were pictures taped on. It displayed the toilet in question.

...Ew. Who took a dump in this outhouse? There was alot of green goo oozing out. I didn't want to look at it for any longer, so I promptly stuffed it back in my pocket. I marched forward to the path to exit the village, keeping my eye out for any outhouse-shaped thing, or any green goo that could be around. But I guess I didn't have to look for any longer, as I heard a booming roar coming from the right. I immediately started to sprint in that direction, in hopes of finding that disgusting toilet. I slowed down after a few seconds, constantly turning around to try to spot the thing.

There was another roar followed by a bubbling sound ahead of me. I swiftly started heading there, and low and behold.... the toilet. I honestly thought this would be alot harder. But now the question is: how do you trap a toilet? It's a really strange question, but it's a strange question that needs to be answered. But the bubbling outhouse suddenly jumped to turn in my direction, producing a loud stomp. It was just me and the toilet. I stared at it, as it stared back with... wherever its eyes were, if it had any.

It opened its door to reveal the slimy and REALLY gross inside, goo sticked on the wooden planks, and in the middle was just... goo. It probably covered the toilet inside itself. It then let out a loud roar, and started to stomp towards me. I started to run the opposite direction. But I slowed down to a walk when I didn't hear the stomps anymore. I stop and turn around. This toilet was unironically really slow. I watched as it slowly inched with each step. It was really anticlimactic, but it made my job a whole lot easier.

Bored of waiting for it to come over, I had an idea. I didn't want to walk over to it, so I started insulting it to taunt it. The point? I don't know. I'm doing it because why not?

"Hey! Maybe if you didn't have all of that gross goo, maybe you would be faster! Trust me! I can unclog that toilet if you want," I yell. "Maybe I can call a plumber? You'd be the one paying the bill, but I don't even know if you have any money. Maybe someone dropped their wallet while someone was using you?"

It didn't seem to make a difference, so I kept on going.

"Can you go any faster? If not, I can see why that Snatcher dude wouldn't bother with you!" I yell again, but louder.

It looked like it was going at a faster pace, but it didn't seem to do anything otherwise.

"Come on! It's like you're some 100 year old grandma trying to get her purse back or something! And you stink! When was the last time you ever touched fresh water?" I yell with my hands cupped around my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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