⟨ 23 - A Date ⟩

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Above the puffy clouds, a raspy roars could be heard. D/N and Toothless could be seen flying amongst the clouds, calling out Luna. "Hey, Luna! Where are you?!"

D/N silently inspect the area. They follow Luna's smell, so she's supposed not to far or just flying passed this area a few moments ago.

Toothless grumbles, wondering where's the female Lightfury is. He fly passed a cloud, thinking that she's there.

"Luna! Are you here?" D/N roared. But didn't get any response. Both Alphas sighed, "Maybe she's not here..." D/N agrees, "Maybe you right, Tooth—"

Their ears parked up after hearing a familiar explosion not far from them. "Maybe she's there." Toothless nods as the two turned on their that right.

As the two busy searching for Luna, something's moving amongst the clouds and D/N could sense it

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As the two busy searching for Luna, something's moving amongst the clouds and D/N could sense it. "Hey, Toothless. Look!" D/N called out the Nightfury who looks at him before looked at when D/N points.

Toothless's confused face turned into a toothless grin. "Hey! It's you!" Toothless happily exclaimed as Luna's scales starting to turned into normal. Toothless just gives her a dreamy smile, admiring her beauty.

"Toothless, D/N." Luna calmly greets. "New fin?" She gestures to Toothless's. D/N nods as Toothless spin and open and close his fin tails, showing her now he can finally fly without Hiccup's help.

"That's good

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"That's good." She spins above then then sped up. "Now follow me, gentlemen!" Luna coos. "Will do!" Both Alphas reply as they sped up too.

They fly through a clouds as thunders cracked could be seen. It's dark inside the clouds, however the lightning from thunder helps them as they avoid been struck.

Thunder cracking becomes more louder. As they silently having a nice stroll, Luna spoke up. "Wanna see a cool trick?"

 "Wanna see a cool trick?"

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𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑【𝐇𝐓𝐓𝐘𝐃】Where stories live. Discover now