✦𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞✦

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞: 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬

Another painful day comes to an end.

This one was more painful than the ones before.

There was a live concert nearby and even though hundreds of thousands passed me, no one stopped to give me a penny.

This would mark the fifth day we would go without food.

"We" being me and my unborn child.


It was particularly colder tonight, which meant I was going to freeze my ass off. Great. Fantastic. Love that.

All I had was a thin blanket, a hoodie, ripped leggings, and worn-out high tops. I was fucked.

I leaned against the brick wall, curled up in the blanket, shivering. It was so cold that I couldn't even sleep. Y'know it's that one cold where no matter where you are or what position you're in, or how tired you are, your shivering forces you awake and the cold somehow gives you energy. My eyes were squeezed shut as my teeth rattled, causing my jaw and head to ache.

"Excuse me, miss?" I opened my eyes to become face to face with a boy with dirty blonde hair. "Hi, I've noticed you're all alone out here and you're freezing. Do you have anywhere to go for the night?" The boy asked, a thick English accent coating his voice. Being too tired to answer and wanting to look more miserable, I just shook my head, no. "What's your name? I'm Liam, Liam Payne." Liam introduced. "Y/n," I whispered. "Right, how old are you?" "Seventeen."

Liam went silent for a second, glancing up and down the empty streets before standing and taking off his jean jacket, kneeling down to wrap it around my shoulders. His hands didn't leave my arms as he began to rub them up and down, trying to warm me up. "Do you have anyone to call to stay with?" He asked softly, "I have no one. My parents kicked me out because... I'm pregnant..." I quietly admitted, making the boy's eyes widen.

"You're... Pregnant?" He asked softly, making me nod ashamedly and look away, embarrassed. "Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Here, let me call my friend and get him to pick us up so you have somewhere to stay for tonight, yeah?" He said softly, earning another nod from me. Liam suddenly pulled out his phone from his pocket, letting go momentarily to put in his password and dialing his friend.

"Hello? Hey, I need to pick me up. I'm with a girl, she's pregnant and homeless and she has nowhere to go... Paul, she's seventeen! She's a teenager and has no support whatsoever... Management can kiss my ass, she's in need! The public doesn't have to know about her and if you think I'm going to leave her out here like a wild animal, you're wrong. Please, she's so skinny and she needs to eat... Yeah... Yeah, I know where that is... Okay, I'll see you there... Right, bye."

The boy hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "Okay, so my friend, Paul is a bit older and has some more friends our age with him right now. He's agreed to pick us up as long as he gets to talk to you first." Liam said softly, making me nod my head. "He also wants to meet at a Starbucks down the road. That's where he and the others are. It's not far from here, just about a ten-minute walk. Is that alright?" He asked. "Yeah. That's fine." I whispered, making him nod and help me stand with him by taking my hands and helping me to my feet as he stood.

Liam led the way, keeping a very protective arm around my shoulders as he did so. "My friends are probably going to be a bit frantic because Paul probably already told them, so if they're on edge, that's why." He explained softly, glancing left to right before crossing the road with me.

We were in a quiet part of town, and since there was a concert in the city far from here, it was very busy. Liam kept his head low and didn't speak much until he made it to the surprisingly empty Starbucks. Four boys and a group of adults sat in the corner and turned to look at us as we entered the cafe. One of the adults walks over to us, hands in his pockets. "Hey there, love. My name's Paul, what's your name?" The man said softly, his eyes landing on the small baby bump that slightly formed and poked out of my ripped shirt. "Y/n, sir," I whispered. "Y/n. Okay, when's the last time you ate?" "About a week or so ago... I can't really remember."

Paul and Liam shared a look, "Well, we've ordered some food. Why don't you join us and tell us what happened so we can help you." Paul said, taking my hand and leading me towards the group. "Boys, pull a spare chair over. We have a guest. Liam, they saved you a spot over there." Paul said as a blonde-haired boy with bright blue eyes pulled a chair over to the table and put it between him and raven haired boy and gave me a welcoming smile. I slowly sat down, looking at each of their faces slowly before focusing my eyes on the table. "I told the others what Liam told me, Y/n, but I need to know more. You don't have to tell us everything, but you need to tell us enough, okay?" Paul said, making me glance at him.

"I'm pregnant, about... Maybe two months in, the father doesn't want to be part of their life, my parents kicked me out and don't want anything to do with me anymore, hell they had me emancipated, and I don't have any friends anymore or a place to stay. I graduated high school about four months ago and I'm seventeen years old." I explained loud enough for the whole group to hear.

Everyone glanced at each other in shocked silence. "How long have you been on the streets?" The raven-haired boy asked softly, making me glance at him before returning my gaze to the table. "I don't know... I don't have a phone or anything... My parents destroyed all I had." I say, fighting back tears, "Except for this." I pulled out a small purse and opened it, pulling out a passport and a stack of paper that were all of the forms that said I was legally an adult; aka the emancipation contracts. "That's all I've got. Stupid emancipation contracts, my driver's license, and my passport." I sniffled, letting a few tears roll down my face.

"Y/n, we're on a live tour right now and if this is all you have, we can take you with us and make sure you have doctor's visits until the baby is born. But that means you'll have to go back to England with us." Paul said softly. "I'll take it... I don't want me or my baby dying out there." I sobbed, lifting my head to look over at him. "Right. Then it's settled." "Thank you." I whimpered, a small smile appearing on my lips as I fought more tears.

Soon, the food was served to our table, and I tried to eat slowly and barely, as they were apparently celebrities and I needed to respect them, not only for their reputation, but they were giving me a place to stay and some food and water. They were helping me.

The blonde-haired boy, Niall, must've seen my hesitation and he leaned in and whispered in my ear, making me jump at first but listen to what he had to say, "Don't be embarrassed, love. Eat all 'ye want. If 'yer hungry, 'yer hungry."


After eating for the first time in a week, they took me to a hotel. Apparently, the concert that was in the city was Liam's band, One Direction. The four boys that were my age were Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, and Zayn Malik and they were Liam's bandmates.

And since One Direction was quite a famous band, a huge paparazzi was waiting for them. Everyone tried to cover me up the best they could as we made our way into the building. As Paul checked us in and Niall, Harry, and Louis went to raid the vending machines while Liam went off to the bathroom, Zayn stayed by my side.

"Y/n?" Zayn asked, making me turn to face him, humming as I did so, signaling that I was listening. "Do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl?" He asked, looking at the tiny baby bump. "I don't care what gender they are. I only care that they're safe and healthy. Why do you ask?" I answered honestly, tilting my head to the side slightly. "I'm just curious," Zayn shrugged, "If you're gonna be around, I want to get to know you. I thought I'd start talking to you and that's the first question that came to my head." I nodded at his response, "Well, only time will tell what they'll be. But whoever they are, I'll love them 'til the end of the world." I say softly, making Zayn give me a closed-mouth grin.


I just showered for the first time in a long time and I felt amazing. All the dirt that stained every inch of my skin was now gone. My ripped clothing was being thrown out and I was borrowing clothes from their hairdresser, Lou. I wore light grey sweatpants and a baggy black t-shirt that had LooneyTunes characters on it. My long hair wasn't the knotted mess it used to be. Lou put my hair into a nice little braid, putting some sort of leave-in conditioner in it as well.

Then, I was sent to off to the room I had been assigned to: the boys' room. Apparently, they wanted to talk to me more before their curfew which was midnight. Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand to their hotel room door...

𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪 𝔻𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 - 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝔻𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now