✦𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧✦

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐃𝐫 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐲

{FUN FACT: Dr Shay is my own character! I've used her for a couple of my books as friends and medical aid! I'll draw her sooner or later for you to have a better idea of what she looks like! It's gonna be cartoon, by the way! I'm not the best artist by I try to be the best I can and that's all that matters!}

Dr Shay packed up everything, ending up in large boxes that were rolled away in a foldable cart. When she had been packing up with the help of the boys, she introduced herself and told us about herself.

Her full name was Britt Anne Shay and she was originally from Melbourne, Florida, born in Dallas, Texas and moved to the UK for college.

She was an African American woman who was slightly plus-size, but she made it look so beautiful and model-like. She had absolutely cat-like green eyes and luscious lashes. Her freckles looked like small, black constellations. Her hair was a very, very dark brown hair that almost looked black, and since you could slightly tell the chestnut color it made it seem more unique and beautiful; she wore it in a neat afro with a headband that had a flower popping out the side on her right, making her seem more adorable and innocent. Her voice was higher pitched and sugary sweet and came out in a bit of a whisper even if she was talking in a normal tone of voice. Her accent was thick with a southern tone but had a slight English turn to it.

In short, Dr Shay was beautiful.


"Alright, I'm gonna talk about myself a little bit as we pack up because we gotta get to know each other if I'm gonna be around, okay? If I get too ramble-y, let me know. I'm quite the chatter box sometimes," Shay chirped with a small, shy, yet adorable giggle. "Okay," I said softly, watching the boys help clean up, as they refused to let me help at all.

Dr Shay took off her gloves and spritzed some hand sanitizer into her hands before rubbing the disinfectant in and turning to me, holding out her hand sweetly, "Hi, my name is Britt Anne Shay, I'm twenty-five years old, and I'm from Manchester in the UK, but originally from Dallas Texas, here in the USA," She reintroduced herself with a smile. I giggled and took her hand, shaking it, "I'm Y/n L/n, I'm seventeen years old, and I was born and raised here in Riverdale," I said softly, making her smile, showing her slight buck tooth, pearly whites. Even if she had parted front teeth, she seemed to have a perfect smile. I also took in the fact her hand was perfectly soft and smooth. A little wet from the hand sanitizer and bit warm, but her touch was naturally loving and gentle.

Shay put both her hands on my single one, stopping the motions, holding it delicately. "Well, then, Y/n, you're such a beautiful young girl and I respect the fact you are willing to give birth to child. You are such a brave, independent woman and I love the fact you're fighting even if the ones who were meant to help you left you in the dust. You're a feisty one and I love that about you, Hun. I know for a fact we are gonna get along well," She smiled brightly, making me smile and blush at her over-kindness. "You have such a pretty smile, honey!" She complimented, making me giggle and look down. "Now, I'm a hugger, I'ma let you know that, so can I have a hug? I don't wanna breach any walls but I wanna give you a hug, honey," She said with a smile. "Yeah, go for it," I giggled once more.

The woman made an awing sound before stepping forward and pulling me into a hug. Her hug instantly put me at ease and I leaned into her embrace. "You and I are gonna be partners in crime, I know it," She whispered, making me laugh, "Definitely," I whispered back.


They got a room for Shay, and we became roommates for the time being. The boys had a few days until they had to head back to the UK, so we had a few more days to do a few things together. The boys had a Meet'N'Greet tomorrow and an interview, and the next day after that, they had a couple more interviews and a photoshoot, so Shay and I would be spending a lot of time together.

And I wasn't complaining. Shay was a wonderful woman.


"Alrighty," Shay hummed in a sing-song tone, sitting cross-legged across from me, opening a small cardboard box and opening it, pulling out a foil sheet with pills in it. "These are your supplements. Since you've missed quite a lot, I'd say you should take at least... Oh, gosh, you're gonna hate me when I say this, but probably ten of these small pills. They kick in fast and these will really help the baby," She reached over and grabbed a tissue from the nightstand as well as a blue raspberry Gatorade bottle and opening it. She unlocked the orange cap but screwed it shut so it wouldn't spill before handing it to me and starting to pop out ten of the small powder pills.

Once she had all ten, she flattened out her hand and quickly counted out all ten in her palm before setting them in the napkin and handing them to me. "Alright, I suggest you take them one at a time so none of them get stuck in your mouth and leave that nasty pill taste in your mouth, okay, Hun?" She said, making me nod in response.

My heart thumped a little louder in my chest in anxiety as I really, really did not want to have the gross takes of pill powder in my mouth. Hell, I shuddered in disgust at the idea of having the awful taste. Taking a shaky breath, I unscrewed the bottle and set it on my knee, I unraveled the napkin to see the pills. Then, I took the first pill, grimacing at the fifty-fifty chance of having to taste it. I took one last breath before placing the pill on my tongue, brought the rim of the electrolyte-full drink and washed down that pill with the success of not having the gross ass powder in my mouth.

Alright, one down, nine to go...

Oh, boy.

I repeated the process.

Two, swallow.

Three, swallow.

Four, swallow.

Five, swallow.

Six, it got stuck momentarily, but I swallowed it before the powder could reach my tongue, swallow.

Seven, swallow.

Eight, swallow.

Nine, swallow.

And finally, ten, swallow.

Thank God. I only had one barely dissolve slightly, but the taste wasn't there.

Drinking the sugary drink and swallowing and then tipping my head back to take the pills did make me feel a bit dizzy, though. Still, it was a lot better than having that gross taste in my mouth, in my opinion.

"Bleh," I groaned, sticking my tongue out when I was done, making Shay giggle. "Yeah, it sucks," She said softly, placing a hand on my forearm and rubbing the skin soothingly. "Now, let's get you to bed, mkay? You've had a busy day, you must be exhausted," She said, earning a tired nod from me as I screwed the cap onto the Gatorade bottle securely.

The two of us would be sharing the bed and had a body pillow in the center of the bed so we'd have our privacy. We'd both already cleaned up and changed into sleep clothes, so all we had to do is get in bed and sleep.

We crawled into bed and her lamp was the only thing keep the room lit. "Now, if you ever need anything or feel sick, let me know, honey. I'm here to help you, I'm a licensed doctor. I will not get mad if you wake me up, okay?" She soothed, putting some of my nervousness at ease. I nodded and smiled shyly, "Okay. Thank you so much," I whispered, making her smile and ruffle my hair, "Anytime. Now, let's get some sleep. Goodnight, Y/n," She booped my nose before gently poking my inflamed belly, "Goodnight, baby," She said, making me giggle. "Goodnight, Shay," "Call me Britt, Hun," She smiled, settling into the pillows and blankets. "Okay... Goodnight, Britt," I corrected, making her smile before she reached over and turned off the light.

For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was loved, thanks to the boys and Britt.

And for the first time, I had faith and pride at the thought of being a mother with all of their support.

Maybe some people aren't as bad as I thought they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕪 𝔻𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 - 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝔻𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now