His babysitter

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Author POV

The story is requested By yall_know_skz

Characters age
Yeonjun: 19
Soobin age: 20
Beomgyu's age: 11

Note: Beomgyu Is young here as the was requested so try to understand, just imagine him as young boy


"But hyung~ why beomie had to get baby sitter? I don't like baby sitters, I hate them" A eleven years old Boy said, walking after his older brother who was trying to make breakfast but had to listen to his younger brother complaint.

"But Gyu, try to understand hyung is always out for works you are alone, I can't leave you at home like this" Yeonjun said, his older brother, 22 years old a college student and work at Cafe.

Yeonjun father had left yeonjun's mother for another lady and his mother went into depressed for this. She was so distressed and soon later she died due to Heart attack. Since then yeonjun Is raising his younger brother choi Beomgyu.

It's not easy to raise a kid with your own busy life. Yeonjun had to take beomgyu to school then went to his college then after college went for jobs. Beomgyu used to stay at their neighbours house but they moved away it's been few months.

So yeonjun had to hire baby-sitters for beomgyu but the preteen Boy just don't get along with his babysitters and not like the babysitters are really sincere about their job.

Now looking at his brother's pout yeonjun let out a sigh then bend down to match the same height of his brother. Running his fingers through his hairs and said while softly Patting his head, "please gyu, try to understand, I don't want you to get hurt while being alone in house, please".

Beomgyu stared at his older with a pout then slowly looked down at the ground and nodded. He know how much hard work his hyung do and it was only for him because yeonjun want to give beomgyu a good future.

Even tho he is only 11 years old but he know what hard work means and he just don't want to be more burden on his hyung's shoulder. So he agreed.

"Good boy, now let's have breakfast, today is our day off doesn't mean I don't have work, so let's go" Yeonjun said with a smile and pick up beomgyu from the ground in his arm.

He walked upto the small dining room and put the Younger at the chair. "Sit here hyung will be back" Yeonjun went to the kitchen and soon came back with simple but delicious breakfast.

He put down the plates at the table then sit down beside his brother. "Thank you for the food!!" and both of them started to eat their breakfast.

Time skip

Yeonjun look at his wristwatch and again at the doorstop, waiting for the new babysitter to arrive so he could leave for his work. He anxiously started to tap his foot at the ground.

"I apologize for arriving late" Yeonjun turn to look a guy who was taller than him and way much handsome, standing beside him. Wearing a simple shirt with mint coloured strips and white t-shirt inside it with dark blue jeans.

"Y-you are the new baby-y sitter-" The guy nodded his head and give him a smile which showed his dimple. "Yes it's was me who contacted you, I am choi soobin" The guy who's name was soobin, showed his hand towards him, offering for a handshake.

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