Chapter 2

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Andrew's POV:

 "Andrew, don't forget your lunch!" Annie O'Brien called to me.

 I hurried over to her and took my lunch. "Thanks, Annie," I smiled at her.

 "You're welcome, Andrew." she smiled back at me. "Now, you best be going now. Lawrence will be waiting and you don't want to be late for school."

 I nodded. "Ok. Bye, Annie!"

 "Goodbye, Andrew. Have a good day at school! Pay attention in class. Be good."

 "Yes, ma'am, I will." I said with a slight chuckle before turning around and walking away.

 When I got outside, Lawrence, our driver, was waiting for me. "Hello, sir." he greeted, opening the door of the limo for me. 

 I nodded. "Thank you, Lawrence." I got in and buckled my seatbelt as he closed my door. It wasn't long before we were on our way to the school. 

 I sighed as I looked out the window. "Well, maybe Annie and Patrick are right....This is a time for change. Maybe...Maybe this year will be a good year for me." he thought hopefully.

 When we finally got to school, Lawrence opened the door. "Have a good day, sir."

 "Thank you, Lawrence." I nodded before going up to my friends, who were in front of the school waiting for me.

 They all waved to me and almost at once, I was listening to how their summers went. Where they went, what they got, all that kind of stuff. I tried to tell them about when I went to Ireland with Patrick, but they were more interested in Denice's trip to Miami Beach. Denice was the captain of the cheer team. Her boyfriend, Chad, I could clearly see, was a little jealous when she told us about a boy she met at the beach. Chad was the quarterback for the football team. He and Denice had been together since 10th grade. They usually spent their summers together, but this year I guess they decided not to or something.

 I just shook my head, rolling my eyes as an argument broke out between the two. Every year a fight always breaks out between either Denice and Chad, or, Rick and Rose. Rick is a pitcher on the baseball team. Rose is on the cheer team with Denice. They've been together since 8th grade. As far as I know, they always spend their summers together as well.

 Well, I glanced around, not paying any attention to the fight between Denice and Chad. My gaze suddenly caught sight of the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. "Wow...." I whispered. 

 I saw her stare at me, her eyes wide. I gave her a friendly smile and waved. She seemed to snap out of a daze, but she still was looking at me. I chuckled a little. She was certainly cute.

 "Who are you looking at, Andy?" Rick asked, looking where I was looking. He then laughed. "Do you have a crush on her?? Seriously??" He and the others laughed, making me feel stupid.

 "Is there a reason why I shouldn't?" I asked.

 "Andy, she's the quiet, unpopular girl. No one talks to her and she doesn't talk to anyone. I went to school with her last year. She's basically a loner. Whenever she does hang out with someone, which is rare, she's always with that girl over there. I suppose maybe she found a new friend in that boy. Wonder how long that'll last." Denice declared before laughing.

 I took a closer look at the boy and my eyes went wide. That was Patrick! My best friend! I guess I knew now sorta why he was gone so early. He dropped these girls off.

 "Um...I'll talk to you guys later. I wanna say hi to someone." I said before walking away. Before I could go very far though, Rose stopped me.

 "Are you seriously gonna talk to her?? Andy, she is way out of your league. Your popular, smart, handsome, and athletic! She's......well.....none of those things. Plus she really needs a new wardrobe." 

 I rolled my eyes. "Rose, I know all this already. But....I just have this feeling about her....She's special....I don't care what you say. I'm going to talk to her whether you guys like it or not." With that, I walked away. Ignoring their murmurs of protest.

 Julie's POV:

 "We're here!" Patrick announced. "Would you like me to walk you to class, Mo Chroi?" My sister smiled and nodded. I rolled my eyes but smiled. They were honestly cute together.

 I gave a small frown, feeling a little giddy. Like, something was about to happen. I don't know what though. My wolf is going nuts. I got out and before I could grab my backpack out of Patrick's car, my gaze landed on the handsomest young man I had ever seen.

 "Mate." I growled. I saw him smile at me and wave. That snapped me out of my daze. I was still looking at him. That is, until my sister pulled me into a tight hug that seemed to cut off my air.

 "My sister found her mate!! Eeeek!" Jaylen squealed excitedly.

  "Thank you, Jay. But, please, let go of me so I can breathe again." 

 "Oh! Sorry!" she let go of me, smiling brightly, Patrick right behind her. "Now, who is the lucky guy?"

 "Um...That guy right over there..." I responded, feeling a little shy as I pointed him out. I then noticed Patrick was staring at my mate, his eyes wide. "Something wrong, Patrick?"

 "Lass, that is Andrew Taylor.." he said, a little shocked.

 "Andrew Taylor as in the rich, popular Andrew Taylor your mom works for.....?" I asked hesitantly. "Please say no....Please say no...." I thought desperately.

 "The same guy you're best friends with? Who's also human?" Jaylen asked, looking up at Patrick. Patrick was about 5'10. Jaylen was 4'5. I'm an inch taller than she is.

 "Aye! I knew he went to my school but I never once suspected he'd be your mate, Julie. He even asked if he could ride with me sometimes during the school year! I'm starting to think he doesn't like being popular very much."

 "For real? Why wouldn't he like it? He has friends, he's smart, he's rich, he even has girls that'll do whatever he asks. And he's so incredibly handsome..."

 "Aye, lass, but sometimes he seems unhappy. There's something he isn't telling me. I don't know what, but I do wish I knew." Patrick sighed.

 "Hey! Here he comes!" Jaylen exclaimed suddenly. My eyes went wide as I stared at his approaching figure. Oh boy......

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